
Say Hello

Say hello to the Youth Law Center - protecting the rights of juveniles. And listen to a five second clip of President Bush during a 1994 gubernatorial debate urging that 14 year olds be tried as adults.

Watch the longer video, in which he also advocates unsealing juvenile records. The video is particularly worth watching for its comparison of Bush's 1994 debating style with his 2004 debate performance. There was no stuttering, no pauses back then. What happened to him?

[link via poster ErrorAmerica at Randi Rhodes show message boards.]

Also say hello to Blawgdaddy who has resumed blogging because of popular demand - including our's. We just got this e-mail:

Blaghdaddy has returned to the Blaghdad Cafe where he'll try again to make a little bit of difference...it was the support and the emails that inspired him to give it another run...

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    Re: Say Hello (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Apr 17, 2005 at 10:41:27 AM EST
    Bush is urging! we the people" all be tried as enemies of the state. so why wouldn't he urge that kids be tried in all cases as adults, because he needs us all under some kind of investigation, it's the way business is done in the third world.

    Re: Say Hello (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Apr 17, 2005 at 11:49:53 AM EST
    What happened to him since 1994? I think he continues to be an active alcoholic and the damage is showing. How else explain the knockout by pretzel a couple of years ago? His politics and judgment have always been suspect. Try 14 year olds as adults? Unseal juvenile records? This must be compassionate conservatism.

    Re: Say Hello (none / 0) (#3)
    by wishful on Sun Apr 17, 2005 at 01:46:39 PM EST
    Trying 14 year olds as adults, while excusing his own alcoholism and its attendant debauchery (DUI's, temper tantrums, etc.) as "youthful indiscretion" is actually consistent in Bushworld. There are clearly two sets of rules. Which set applies to whom depends on your station in life, with a temporary exception of allowing the "easier" rules to apply to those needed by the ruling class for their maintenance of power. (See born-again Christians, NRA members, most men and women in uniform, etc.) The application of those sets of rules is otherwise NEVER interchangeable, and will be withdrawn at any time for any reason from the excepted groups (See the soldiers who are used as scapegoats for the Bushists being caught using torture.) As you can see, there is nothing resembling democracy in the Bushist worldview. It is the truth--get over it, and either accept it or work to change it. Pandering by non-Bushists to the excepted groups will not effect the required change. Only clear-headed identification of the actual problem will work, coupled with honest efforts to get back on track, with total loyalty to democratic concepts--no selling out! It is our best shot. No other approach is worth winning. What will you have if you beat the fascists, but win something less than true democracy?

    Re: Say Hello (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Apr 17, 2005 at 03:20:57 PM EST
    Well said "wishful"