- We oppose the nominations of unqualified, out-of-the-mainstream judges who would turn back the clock on decades of progress in securing fundamental rights and liberties, including civil rights, privacy rights, reproductive rights, environmental safeguards, workers’ rights, consumer rights, and religious liberty; and we support the withholding of Senate consent to such nominations through the use of the filibuster if necessary.
- For years we have been encouraging the President, Republican Senators and Democratic Senators to engage in bipartisan consultation and negotiation in an effort to achieve a bipartisan consensus on judicial nominations. We commend the efforts of Senator Reid, Senator Durbin, and those Republican Senators who are willing to engage in bipartisan discussions.
- We will not endorse any compromise which undermines the principles we have articulated.
We are the last line of defense to preserve the independence and intergrity of our courts. As NARAL's action letter says:
It's critical that the Senate independently review each judicial nominee and take into account each nominee's record, judicial philosophy, and knowledge of the law. Short-cutting Senate debate on lifetime appointments to the federal court is inappropriate and dangerous.
Head on over to any one of these groups and sign on to an action letter. Or write your own letter to your Senator - paticularly if he or she is Republican - and tell them as a constituent, you expect them to oppose the nuclear option.