
Terry Nichols Accuses Third Man in OKC Bombing

Convicted OKC bomber Terry Nichols, who has maintained his silence for ten years, now is accusing Arkansa gun dealer Roger Moore of providing some of the explosives for the 1995 OKC bombing.

Nichols claims Arkansas gun collector Roger Moore gave the explosives to Timothy McVeigh and also provided additional bomb components recently found in Nichols' former Kansas home, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. In the early stages of the bombing investigation, the FBI took a hard look at Moore because of his anti-government views and close relationship with McVeigh. He was never charged.

According the Times, Nichols said FBI tests of bomb components found about a month ago at his home in Herington, Kan., would support his claim that they came from Moore and Moore's girlfriend, Karen Anderson. "That case of nitromethane came directly from Roger Moore's Royal, Arkansas, home, and his prints should be found on that box and/or tubes, and Karen Anderson's prints may be there as well," Nichols wrote.

The prosecution theory has been that Nichols' robbed Moore's home and stole the materials.

During Nichols' state murder trial last year, prosecutors said Nichols stole an estimated $63,000 in weapons and other items from Moore's home, that were then sold to help finance the terror plot. Nichols' attorneys maintain the robbery was staged and that McVeigh, who knew Moore from a gun show and had stayed in his home, helped plan it.

McVeigh was in Ohio on the day of the robbery. Moore's alias was Robert Miller. A fake driver's license in that name was found with property belonging to white supremacist bank robbers.

The government contended at McVeigh's trial that Moore was robbed at his Hot Springs, Ark., home in November 1994, and the proceeds were used to fund the Oklahoma City bombing.

Terry Nichols never did like the Government's portrayal of him as the person who robbed Moore at gunpoint. Before his state trial, his lawyers contended white supremacist bank robbers were responsible for the robbery.

Defense attorneys plan to call witnesses, including a federal death row inmate, to show that Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh conspired with others, including a group of white supremacist bank robbers, to plan and execute the bombing. They hope to convince a jury that Nichols, already serving life in prison on federal bombing charges, was set up to take the blame for the blast.

...''Witnesses will be called to show that, while Mr. Nichols was at home in Kansas taking care of his family and building his business, Mr. McVeigh was actively recruiting and building a network of people who shared his violent hatred toward the federal government,'' according to a pretrial motion.

....Prosecutors....will also allege that Nichols robbed Arkansas gun dealer Roger Moore in November 1994 to help finance the bomb plot -- a robbery defense attorneys believe was committed by the ARA bank robbery gang.

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    Isn't it funny how, more than ten years after the Oklahoma bombing, the authorities are still trying to chase down and "smoke out of their holes" the terrorists who killed nearly 170 people... Meanwhile, the government says openly that the hunt for justice in the deaths of over 3,000 people four years ago is saying that catching the f*#king guy who did it is not "a priority." Wow......

    Too bad we don't have Tim McVey around to confirm or deny any of this. Or to tell us what actually happened, and how the right-wing networks are organized. But, on the bright side, the need for vengance is satisfied... NOT.

    McVeigh was just ahead of his time...today, the far-right would be hailing this "Mintute-Man" hero...

    Re: Terry Nichols Accuses Third Man in OKC Bombing (none / 0) (#4)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:43 PM EST
    Blaghdaddy, McVeigh was just ahead of his time...today, the far-right would be hailing this "Mintute-Man" hero... Maybe he'll end up as some right wing martyr. But they still loved to watch him die. If this pans out, won't this be an embarassment to the pro DP crowd? It wouldn't have happened if the revenge mongers had killed everyone they wanted to when they wanted to. Fortunately, we spared ONE person who could help crack the case.

    BlaghD, Mr Bill & Che.... You guys crack me up....! BlaghD... The government will continue to 'chase down' the guilty parties until they find them.... in both cases. And, even tho Osama might not be a 'priority', you can bet your ass they are still looking for him...and will find him eventually! Mr. B ... McVeigh was around for many years. They got everything out of him he was willing to tell...believe me. Che'... McViegh as a right wing martyr? LOL... Hey isn't it the "LEFT" that hates the government? ......wants to *** GW? ...... jumps at the chance to critisize not only the administration, but the military, as well as any & all local police? ....etc..etc...etc. McViegh leaned more towards your point of view than any 'conservative' I know!

    Re: Terry Nichols Accuses Third Man in OKC Bombing (none / 0) (#6)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:58:46 PM EST
    LOL... Hey isn't it the "LEFT" that hates the government? No just the people trying to dismantle it.