
Say Hello

Another shout-out today, this time to Democracy Rising, an anti-war site dedicated to finding an exit strategy from Iraq. Founding member Kevin Zeese (also President of Common Sense Drug Policy) writes today about the conscientious objector trial of Keith Benderman.

Last week, Kevin wrote about the problems in the Lynndie England guilty plea:

Now the prosecution of Private England may undo the damage control done by DoD to protect its officers and hold only a handful of scapegoats responsible.

Also say hello to our new advertiser, Raw Story Q and author Nancy Goldstein, who recently wrote Break Them Down on Abu Ghraib.

Fifty-three weeks and nearly as many tons of paper later, it is clear that until an independent counsel is appointed to investigate human rights abuses by or on behalf of the US military and intelligence services, an enormous amount of US time and taxpayer money is being wasted on one whitewash after another – the predictable result of a system investigating itself. None of the seven or so reports commissioned by the administration has been charged with looking up the chain of command to discover where ultimate responsibility for these atrocities lies. All of the reports exonerate higher-ups of any serious wrongdoing, blame enlisted men, and deny systematic abuse in favor of the “bad apple” theory.

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