
Editorial Calls For Death Penalty Moratorium in Ohio

by TChris

TalkLeft wrote here and here about an AP investigation of Ohio's inconsistent administration of the death penalty. An editorial in today's Fort Wayne Journal Gazette concludes that Gov. George Taft, like former Illinois Gov. George Ryan, should call a halt to state-sanctioned death.

Avoiding the issue would be politically easy. But evading the truth would be morally bankrupt.

The editorial notes that Indiana's experience with the death penalty has been similar to Ohio's.

A 2001 study uncovered the capricious nature of how the death penalty is applied in Indiana. Life or death factors included the competence of defense attorneys and prosecutors, the defendant’s socio-economic status, as well as the political and economic climate among Indiana’s counties.

The question is one of political courage.

The specter of appearing soft on crime is an accusation many governors face in this situation. But a moratorium on the death penalty doesn’t mitigate the severity of the crime. Taft’s actions would signal that he believes a truly remarkable system of punishing criminals must at all times be fair and applicable to all defendants.

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  • Re: Editorial Calls For Death Penalty Moratorium i (none / 0) (#1)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:01 PM EST
    we should all hope the system will not call for death camps.