
Media Acknowledges Prior Allegations of Koran Desecration

As we first reported Sunday, for two years the media has published allegations by detainees that interrogators at Guantanamo and Kandahar desecrated the Koran, threw it in the toilet and worse. Today, the Washington Post recaps some of the claims. So does The Age (Australia); The Associated Press; Daily Times (Pakistan).

The New York Times calls upon Sen. John Warner, Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee to investigate the claims. The LA Times calls on the Administration to close Guantanamo and provide detainees with legal protections. The Star Tribune calls the White House "Nixonian" and tells Newsweek to "resist."

We continue to call on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to appoint a special counsel to investigate. Someone should be listening to these 51 members of Congress, not Scott McCellan.

Update: Thanks to Ian at Political Teen for posting the video to today's MSNBC Connected Coast to Coast show that showed a screen shot of this post and talked about it. It was a good segment, also highlighting Daily Kos and Volokh on the nuclear option.

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