- Allard also refused a vote to federal district court nominee Patricia Coan, who later became a federal magistrate in Colorado, a position in which she remains (and at which she does quite well.) (See, Denver Post, September 22, 2002; Rocky Mountain News, August 26, 2000, available on lexis.com) Allard's claims that she was not competent for a federal judgeship were totally unfounded.
- Allard later blocked a third Clinton nominee, Christine Arguello, even though he had listed her as one of five acceptable nominees. His official excuse: he thought it was too late in the session. [Associated Press, July 28, 2000.)
"Allard said he supports Arguello's nomination but warned she might not be confirmed so late in the congressional session. "I'm happy for Christine," Allard said. "But they waited toward the end of the session, and it's going to be very difficult to get someone through Congress. Things get to be more political." [TalkLeft's Translation: Allard wanted to make sure if Bush won in 2000, the judgeship would go to a Republican. Now Allard is siding with Frist, demanding up or down votes for all Bush's nominees.]
As a result of Allards' blocking of nominees, our seven Colorado federal judges were severely overworked. Allard waited until Bush was elected in 2000 to confirm any additional judges. Then he took the first two Bush nominated, arguing for speedy confirmation.
- Idaho lawyer John Tait: Via Crooks and Liars (with a little confirmation help from me and Lexis and an original hat tip to David NYC of Daily Kos) we learn that Idaho Republican Senators U.S. Sens. Larry Craig and Dirk Kempthorne successfully got Orrin Hatch to block lawyer John Tait's confirmation hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Source: Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho) December 14, 1994, available on lexis.com.
"President Clinton nominated Tait to one of Idaho's federal district judge posts in August, 18 months after LaRocco made his original recommendation. Two months ago, U.S. Sens. Larry Craig and Dirk Kempthorne successfully blocked Tait's confirmation hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee. LaRocco said partisan politics were to blame before he lost to Boise natural resources consultant Helen Chenoweth in the Nov. 8 election. Idaho's two Republican senators said Tait lacked the necessary qualifications."
Raw Story has more examples.