
Move-On's Opposition Petition

From MoveOn Pac:

Senator Bill Frist has pulled the trigger on the "nuclear option." We now have less than 72 hours to stop him from seizing absolute power to stack the courts — including the Supreme Court. The vote is still too close to call. If we raise our voice, we can win.

We've launched an emergency petition we'll be delivering to congress every three hours, from Monday morning until the final vote is complete. Our allies will read your comments on the Senate floor, and every senator will know the American people are standing ready to hold them accountable. Please sign today and pass it on .

The petition reads,

The Senate must oppose the "nuclear option" to eliminate the filibuster, and preserve the checks and balances that have kept our courts fair and independent for centuries.

Update: How Appealing has the latest roundup of news articles on the filibuster fight.

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  • Re: Move-On's Opposition Petition (none / 0) (#1)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:17 PM EST
    I hope it is stopped\halted\killed off, but don't think that is what will happen, it's not the orders that have been given to our so called congress, most of this is a show for you, its like the old saying "the best democracy money can buy" its part of the third world dance that will take you right into a real police state that you will never come out of. but bush must do his jihad dance on your back and heads for his real power people. and it helps to keep you from looking at Iraq and the borders and the real ID Act of total evil. Bush the guy for bin laden and the coming of aztlan. oh yes petition will mean nothing and you will understand that in about one year.