
Stem Cell Research Bill Passes

Bump and Update: The House passed the Stem Cell Research bill, over objections by Tom DeLay, Bush and the radical right fringe. Congratulations, Diana DeGette!

Is DeLay a little out to lunch, or what?

Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said the embryonic research bill would force taxpayers to finance "the dismemberment of living, distinct human beings."

Bump and Update: The House is voting today on the bill. Here what Bush's chose for his photo op:

At the White House, Bush appeared with children who were "adopted" by their parents as frozen embryos leftover from fertility treatments.

Original Post

I wrote a long post over at 5280 on the stem cell research bill. I don't intend to duplicate it here, and instead will just reiterate two points:

First, Kudos to Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette for being the chief architect of the bill and savvy enough to get a hearing scheduled on it in this Republican-dominated Congress, and

Second, it's ironic that the debate comes this week, at the same time as the fight over the nuclear option. It really brings home Bush's ultimate goal - to pack the Courts with judges who believe religion trumps the Constitution.

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