
Texas House Passes Life Without Parole Option

Good news! The Texas House has passed a bill, approved by the Senate last month, that provides for a life without parole option for juries considering death sentences. Under the current system, because the only choices are death or life with parole, jurors may be more likely to vote for death.

Rep. Harold Dutton, D-Houston, also got an amendment on the bill to ban the execution of persons who committed their crimes as minors. Supporters have said the option is needed for killers who are 17 and cannot be executed, according to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, as well as for other mitigating circumstances.

A final vote on the bill is scheduled Wednesday. If approved, the bill will be sent back to the Senate, where the sponsor will decide whether to accept the amended version.

Background is here.

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    Re: Texas House Passes Life Without Parole Option (none / 0) (#1)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:54:18 PM EST
    That is sad as hell, but it works, the way people can beat that place in a cell for life is just don't do killing, "just say no", to mass murder. but only if you are young if you are old and without a home do some killing that may take the place of social sec. HELP!