
William Myers, Fall Guy?

William Myers and Henry Saad are the "fall guys" in the New Senate compromise. Unlike Owen, Rogers Brown and Pryor, they may or may not receive up or down votes. The Denver Post describes William Myers today as:

Myers has no judicial experience, nor has he ever tried a case before a jury. In a two-year stint as Interior's solicitor, Myers wrote just two formal opinions and - though cleared of legal wrongdoing - was the subject of three ethics investigations by the department. The American Bar Association gave the Boise, Idaho, resident its lowest passing rating as a nominee.

Some of Myers' actions as Interior solicitor indicate that he may have found it difficult to divorce himself from his years as an advocate of industry.

He is opposed most by environmentalists.

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    Re: William Myers, Fall Guy? (none / 0) (#5)
    by Aaron on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:54:18 PM EST
    William G. Myers III is a lobbyist, bought and paid for, pure and simple. He had a job as an administrator for awhile, but that doesn't make anyone qualified to be a judge of anything. His nomination mirrors Clarence Thomas's in that he worked a job in which it was his mandate to set about dismantling a government agency that provided assistance to citizens of this country who've been wronged in the workplace. In fact Thomas gutted the EEOC while he was in charge, with some of the lowes