
Live Aid Conference Call With Bob Geldof

I'm on a blogger conference call with Bob Geldof of Live Aid, arranged for by Joe Trippi and John Hindrocket of Powerline. I'll update after the call is over.

In a non-partisan effort, Joe Trippi of JoeTrippi.com and John Hinderaker of Powerlineblog.com will be hosting a Live 8 Blog Conference Call with special guest, Live 8 organizer, Sir Bob Geldof.

The Live 8 concert series has been set up to raise awareness to the issue of ending poverty in Africa prior to the leaders of the G8 meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland. This event is crossing both political and musical spectrums and now we are hoping to cross the blogosphere as well.

Update: It's still going on. We're asking Sir Geldof questions now. He's so passionate on the subject.

This is not a campaign to raise money, it's one to influence policy. They want bloggers to spread the word. If you're a blogger, lend your voice. This is a campaign to do three things:

  • Double Aid to Africa
  • Cancel External Debt
  • Enable Free Trade

Go here and here for starters, and spread the word. Make Poverty History. Watch some videos.

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