
Sign the 'Howard Dean Speaks for Me' Petition

Check Out the "Howard Dean Speaks for Me" petiton - already 4,700 signatures (I was number 4699.) Via Skippy [hat tip to Tennessee Guerilla Women}

Update: Dean calls on Dems to adopt values language.

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    Re: Sign the 'Howard Dean Speaks for Me' Petition (none / 0) (#1)
    by mpower1952 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    I was #1750! Let's keep showing our support for Dean.

    Re: Sign the 'Howard Dean Speaks for Me' Petition (none / 0) (#2)
    by MikeDitto on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    There's another, similar online petition going around that I signed last week. Can't find it to save my life, but I think it was linked from Americablog. It already had something like 15,000 signatures at that time. I wonder why the DLC wasn't complaining whenever McAulliffe made similar comments (and he did). Maybe because Dean wasn't hand-picked by the new donkeys? Their hissy-fit is so petty and so politically stupid that I can't for the life of me figure out what they are thinking. The party elected Dean precisely because he is a firebrand. He *is* the spokesman for the party, and he *does* represent us. If people in the party want to disagree with him, they should call him up on the phone and express their disagreement. Russert and Stephanopolous, with Newt Gingrich as the sparring partner, is not the place to be having internal policy debates.

    #4316! More of this, please, Dr. Dean.

    I just have to add that it sure is great to have somebody speaking truth to power again.

    Re: Sign the 'Howard Dean Speaks for Me' Petition (none / 0) (#5)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:59:56 PM EST
    I am number 5147. I have no love for bush and business.

    I often times applaud Howard's message, but I remain unconvinced of it's sincerity. I recall when Terry McAullife was DNC chair receiving a horde of mail asking for donations with "IMPORTANT CRISIS: The Republicans are full of extremists, working everyday to fulfill their unconscionable plan to damage our democracy...yada, yada." Then, you turn on the propaganda delivery machine (aka Television) and you hear Democrats saying, "our Republican friends, whom I have the greatest respect for, need to realize that we have supported their efforts (fill in the blank: Patriot Act, Iraq War funding bills, bankruptcy bill, etc.)" It is never the underlying principle of the bill, its always a proposition to reduce its overall effect. Aka Republican Light. When I am convinced that progressive rhetoric matches progressive principles, I will be more enthusiastic about defending those who talk the talk. For now, it sounds to me like a "gr