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As someone who followed the Raich decision very carefully and doesn't callously dismiss anti-Prohibition initiatives like many on the left are wont to do as being a fringe pet issue of "druggies", I was struck by the wide reporting of the Raich decision and how, almost universally, the outpouring of editorial opinion was FOR allowing medical mj for sick people and AGAINST the DEA, Controlled Substances Act, ONDCP, GWB and the rest of the hardliners. Together with the Jeff Miron's report and its endorsement by Milton Friedman and the National Review last week, I can't recall a time when there's more pronounced outspoken editorial and public opinion that our current criminalization of marijuana is bad policy. Check this out for instance [MAPINC Focus Alert #310 (6/11/05) listing editorial coverage of Raich in many newspapers and inviting readers to write in support]. By contrast, the knee jerk "Cheech and Chong" response of the cartoonist cited was much less representative of that stereotypical editorial pigeonholing last week than typical for any story involving pot (giggle, giggle)