Note to Commenters
Please remember the chatterer rule in the comments.
I have just notified a right-wing commenter who has already posted over 20 comments today that he is now limited to four a day.
If you are a conservative who disagrees with what I write, feel free to express yourself, but there is no need to comment on every post or to repeat yourself and annoy other commenters. This site exists to further my point of view, not your's.
If you haven't received a notice that you are limited to four comments a day, then this doesn't apply to you. It is very rarely necessary for me to invoke the rule as most conservatives don't abuse it.
And, whatever your politics, if you comment a lot, bandwidth is expensive and it would be very nice if you contributed through our paypal link.
Now back to our regularly scheduled converstations.
< New Allegations of Koran Abuse at Guantanamo and Kandahar | Bush to Nation: The Suffering is Worth It > |