
Bush Names Fred Thompson to Aid in Supreme Court Search

President Bush has named former Senator and actor Fred Thompson to assist in his search for a Supreme Court Justice. One view I received by e-mail from a lawyer friend:

Lawyer turned actor turned politician turned actor (Law & Order) now p*mping for Justice.

Also commenting: Pamela at Light Up the Darkness:

Law & Order Executive Producer Michael Chernuchin describes Thompson’s character as having political leanings “a little more to the right than former D.A.s on the show. He is a ‘strict constructionist,’ that is, for him, the Constitution is what it says it is and nothing more.”

Now we can expect to stay tuned to Law & Order for updates on the Supreme Court nomination drama and perhaps we should be looking for the new spin-off series from Law & Order producers soon, Supreme Court, The Reality Show.

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    Re: Bush Names Fred Thompson to Aid in Supreme Cou (none / 0) (#1)
    by Dadler on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:00:53 PM EST
    Thompson was a bad politician, has always been a worse actor (though he continues to make tons playing his own persona). Good to know the president has his priorities straight in this search. Might I also suggest Diana Ross? I mean, come on Dubya, she actually had a backup group CALLED the Supremes.

    Art not only imitates life, it anticipates it. But I wouldn't pay a penny to stick around for the third act.

    Now that the GOP has introduced legislation seeking quicker execution of the poor, I expect that Thompson will be forced to choose a real Torquemada.

    I wonder if this "search" will turn out like Cheney's search for Bush's running mate?

    Surely even strict constructionists can understand the Separation of Entertainment and Judiciary! And the right wing talks about the "liberal-Hollywood connection"!

    The most important question to me is "How will this affect his stunning performances on all of the 112 Law & Order spin offs?"