
Hurricane Dennis Arrives Near Pensacola

Bump and Update: The Gulf Coast is hunkering down. CNN says the eye wall has made landfall in Fort Walton Beach, Florida in Santa Rosa County. Landfall looks to occur within the next hour devastating the Pensacola area. CNN says It's a category three, 120 miles per hour right now.

CNN's Anderson Cooper is back from London recouping his role from Hurricane Ivan and is down in Pensacola in his rain gear, shouting over the rain and wind.

For personalized late breaking Hurricane Dennis updates, check out the Central Florida Hurricane Center 2005 - it's run by weather hobbyists. For official news, check out the National Hurricane Center or National Weather Service.

Are any talkleft readers in Dennis' path? If so, please keep us updated in the comments.

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    Re: Hurricane Dennis Arrives Near Pensacola (none / 0) (#4)
    by DawesFred60 on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 12:52:01 PM EST
    You will see much more of this kind of thing happening. earth is fighting back, long live earth, I can only hope earth win's.