
A New Kind of Democracy

by TChris

Is this the kind of democracy that the Bush administration has so proudly brought to Iraq?

Armed men entered Baghdad's municipal building during a blinding dust storm on Monday, deposed the city's mayor and installed a member of Iraq's most powerful Shiite militia.

The deposed mayor says: "This is the new Iraq. They use force to achieve their goal." Gosh, where could they have learned that?

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    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#1)
    by desertswine on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    Do you think these guys contract out?

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#2)
    by Linkmeister on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    Now, c'mon. He's just using rhetoric. Like force was never used by Saddam's regime? I think this thing is a complete disaster, but let's not forget that we didn't introduce violence into the region.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#3)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    Then there is this from July 14 05 I guess someone knows where his office is: BAGHDAD COUNCIL DECIDES TO FIRE GOVERNOR (Al-Adala) - The Baghdad provincial council has unanimously decided to fire Baghdad Governor Alaa al-Tamimi, accusing him of being incapable of dealing with his responsibilities..... but no one knows where this office is. (Al-Adala is issued daily by the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#4)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    I think the point of the satirical comment was that we were supposed to be introducing "freedom and democracy". But you already knew that?

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#5)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    Like force was never used by Saddam's regime?
    Well... what's your point? Sounds like the conservative canard of "better than Saddam" but it's more like "no worse than Saddam".

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    Posted by Linkmeister: "let's not forget that we didn't introduce violence into the region." Er, ahem, the CIA INSTALLED Saddam Hussein. The Reagan administration sold Hussein ANTHRAX. Rumsfeld shook his hand after he had committed the Anfal ethnic cleansing genocide. Desert Storm ended with the massive war crime of slaughtering retreating Iraqi troops. Destroying civilian water and power is a war crime. It is also genocide. Bush started bombing Iraq a year before he took his policy to the Congress. Not just that, but these very same US IDIOTS nursemaided the Iran fundamentalist revolution, the Taliban, and Al Qaeda. If that isn't a record of introducing chaos and violence into the region, then go back to sleep, liar.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    Linkmiester... then go back to sleep, liar. Welcome to TL.... LOL ...Only people that really hate the US & it's military are welcome here. As you can see... say something logical...and you will be jumped on by the likes of Paul...who will call you a liar (having no idea what the actual meaning of that word is via Webster) and cite chapter & verse of all the bad things this terrible country has done...of course all of wich will be attributed to the right wing/republican party. Of course EVERYONE knows most of the people in the ME were nice & peace loving until we showed up! Now remember to flog yourself with chains at least once a day for your sin of living in the USA. OK?

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#8)
    by MikeDitto on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    Logical only in that it is a logical fallacy. See two wrongs make a right.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#9)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    The deposed mayor says: "This is the new Iraq. They use force to achieve their goal." About which TChris responds: "Gosh, where could they have learned that?" I think TChris just trolled his own blog.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#10)
    by peacrevol on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    HAHA Elaborating on Paul's comment: Not to mention the Iraq/Iran contraversy that we screwed up several years ago. And now here comes Iran gearing up to kick somebody's ass. They're making nukes and at this pace, it'll just be a matter of time before we piss them off bad enough to use them on us.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#11)
    by Wile ECoyote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:09 PM EST
    TChris: For once you are correct. It sounds more like Mexico than a democracy.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#12)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:10 PM EST
    BB, you make no argument, as usual. All ad hominem, all the time. The claim that "we didn't introduce violence into the region" is easily falsifiable. We, if by that we mean the oil companies' military, we introduced MEGATONS of violence into the region, and not just in 2003. The US is directly responsible for the fall of the Iranian gov't that led to the Khomeini, the right's favorite favorite Evil Arab (nevermind he wasn't Arab) while they were still Zeig Heiling Saddam Hussein while he was slaughtering the Kurds with poison gas. Well, we, meaning Reagan and Bush 1, were selling him botullism and anthrax, as well as chemical precursors at the time as well. So you can come on TL and post your ahistorical nonsense if you like BB -- it's a free country at this point to that degree. But the claim that the US is not sowing the dragon's teeth of 50 years plus of oil-related foreign policy that had no heart. My America has a heart. Your Amerika is just for power. Fourth Reich bastards.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#13)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:10 PM EST
    BB, you make no argument, as usual. All ad hominem, all the time. The claim that "we didn't introduce violence into the region" is easily falsifiable. We, if by that we mean the oil companies' military, we introduced MEGATONS of violence into the region, and not just in 2003. The US is directly responsible for the fall of the Iranian gov't that led to the Khomeini, the right's favorite favorite Evil Arab (nevermind he wasn't Arab) while they were still Zeig Heiling Saddam Hussein while he was slaughtering the Kurds with poison gas. Well, we, meaning Reagan and Bush 1, were selling him botullism and anthrax, as well as chemical precursors at the time as well. So you can come on TL and post your ahistorical nonsense if you like BB -- it's a free country at this point to that degree. But the claim that the US is not sowing the dragon's teeth of 50 years plus of oil-related foreign policy that had no heart. My America has a heart. Your Amerika is just for power and money for the perversion of domination at any cost.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#14)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:10 PM EST
    Well, I thought better of it, but that's how I feel. Sorry, TL.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#15)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:10 PM EST
    Evidently the Bastille Day corruption charges were dropped. Juan Cole points out that he had actually lost his job n a "coup" but the"coup" happened on Jan. 30 at the ballot box. Because of the SCIRI win on January 30 in the provincial elections, they were entitled to have their choice of Mayor and it was not Alaa Tamimi, although Hitchens wasor is a big supporter.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:10 PM EST
    BB wrote:
    Of course EVERYONE knows most of the people in the ME were nice & peace loving until we showed up!
    No, they weren't. But they were, for the most part, non violent. Our heavy handed tactics to secure the PNAC agenda at all costs have stirred up a hornet's nest that won't settle back down now for at least decades to come. We've radicalized moderates, and driven people who only thought about violence before to actually act on those feelings now. By sowing aggression we're reaping aggression, and the longer we stay in Iraq trying to privatize their entire economy right under their noses by force, the more aggression will be unleashed upon the kids who were sent over there to fight a rich man's war. Take a look at Iran circa 1979. Events don't happen in a vacuum. That revolution didn't just up and happen one summer day, it was brought on by years and years of economic plunder and authoritarian puppet rule by the west. You might think that Arabs are just some randomly violent people, but your CIA doesn't. That's why they coined the term "blowback", the unintended consequences of American foreign policy actions. Your leaders know whats up even if you don't, but they'll pretend that they have no idea "why they hate us" on national t.v. because Bush saying on camera, "Yeah, this was all about the PNAC agenda, nothing more, but you guys are still with me though, right?" probably wouldn't go over so well.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#17)
    by Richard Aubrey on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:10 PM EST
    Where? The Koran. From whom? Mohammed.

    Re: A New Kind of Democracy (none / 0) (#18)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:12 PM EST
    Wow, so Rich you think you get to kill people for what was written in a book a thousand years ago? That must be sweet. While you're there, don't forget the oil, Dick.