
Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove

Editor and Publisher reports that the new issue of Vanity Fair has an article by Michael Wolf, All Roads Lead to Rove, in which Wolf blasts the media for knowing, but covering up, that Karl Rove was one of the Plame leakers.

If they had burned this unworthy source and exposed his “crime,” he adds, it would have been “of such consequences that it might, reasonably, have presaged the defeat of the president, might have even—to be slightly melodramatic—altered the course of the war in Iraq.” In doing so they showed they owed their greatest allegiance to the source, not their readers.

....So in the end, he concludes, “the greatest news organizations in the land had a story about a potential crime that reached as close as you can get to the president himself and they punted, they swallowed it, they self-dealt.” And why did they do it? Well, “a source is a source who, unrevealed, will continue to be a source.”

[link via Buzzflash]

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  • Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#1)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:12 PM EST
    "We've got the media" mAnn Coulter

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#2)
    by jimcee on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:12 PM EST
    Although I'm a centrist/libretarian I find that the Rove debate is causing the likely allies of the MSM and the conspiratorial Left to begin to snipe at each other. If the Far Left holds the NYT and WaPo in contempt because they feel they are carrying Rove's/Bush's water then they have effectively abandoned all hope to get thier message across. I'm sure this is just a lover's quarrel between the Left and the leftist MSM but it sure seems kind of an odd rift in a natural alliance. I'm sure you'll all kiss and make up.

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#3)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:12 PM EST
    jimcee-You have obvoiusly missed the Hackett race. Blogs rule now. NYT, MSM, WAPO they are the ones that have some catching up to do. The only reason WSJ exists now is that through the wingnut control of CPB they have gotten millions of tax payer $ to make up for their loss of ad revenue. WSJ welfare, shove that up your bippy.

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#4)
    by MikeDitto on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:12 PM EST
    jimcee, I think the beef is that the jornos seem more interested in protecting their careers by protecting their sources rather than protecting democracy by telling the truth, while putting themselves at possible risk. It's not political--it's human nature to cover one's own arse. And that's all they are doing.

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#5)
    by jimcee on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:13 PM EST
    Squeaky, No I didn't miss the Hackett race and if I remember correctly Hackett lost the election against a really weak Republican candidate. If you think losing is a good sign for a resurgent Left then that comes off as being pretty desperate. By the way most newspapers have seen thier readership decline, NYT, WaPo, WSJ et al but there have been some who have increased thier readership at the same time. The NYPost comes to mind and the WSJ isn't padding its books with CPB payments. Air America on the otherhand seemed to make quite a lot of money by stealing it from poor kids and old folks at the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club in NYC. Make that taxpayer money meant to help poor kids and the elderly. So what are these blog things to which you refer?

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#6)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:13 PM EST
    Jimcee- do you work for Rove. If not there may be some openings soon, and he will need a good spinner like you.

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#7)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:14 PM EST
    Think Progress posts leakers list here, link from kos and atrios.

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#8)
    by jimcee on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:15 PM EST
    Squeaky, What part of either of my posts on this thread untrue? If telling the truth is spin in your mind because you don't like the truth that's your problem not mine. Hackett lost. Most major papers are losing readership. Air America excepted misdirected gov't money from the Gloria Wise B&G Club that was meant to help poor kids and the elderly. It initially refused to give back the money and still hasn't paid back of the cent of the nearly $900,000 it recieved. So what part is untrue?

    Re: Blame the Media for Protecting Karl Rove (none / 0) (#9)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:16 PM EST
    jimcee-OK if I must, but it is for the others not you. Hackett was a non-entity in deep red Ohio. He raised $70 thousand in two days from one blog's mention and donation link. Of the 150,000 daily hits the blog gets 450 or so contributed totalling $70,000. Altogether he raised $350 thousand from blog links. The RNC Freaked and pumped in an extra $500 thousand in the last week of the race for a smear TV ad. The incumbent shoe in, was never considered a weak opponent, so strong (and corrupt) that the RNC slept through the race until the end. He got 48% of the votes when he should have gotten 25%. Newt Gingrich even said that the rebugs have to worry because this race went against all expectations. OH-2 Past Election Results: 1998: 76% to 24% 2000: 74% to 23% 2002: 74% to 26% 2004: 72% to 28% If 150,000 people from just one blog gave $50. each...Newt should be worrying. WSJ & CPB from a NYT article: "Mr. Tomlinson did help get one program, "The Journal Editorial Report," on the air as a way of balancing "Now." Ms. Mitchell backed the program, but public broadcasting officials said Mr. Tomlinson was instrumental in lining up $5 million in corporate financing and pressing PBS to distribute it." Yea the NY post keeps calling me up too to give away a year free subscription. If their readership has increased it is because people are saving $ on toilet paper. I do not listen to air america nor rush oxcycotelyn. Al Franken is quite a smart guy other that that I know zero about the operation. Here is their answer to your smear.