
Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan After Funeral

Lance Cpl. Edward Schroeder II is one of the 16 Marines from Ohio killed two weeks ago in Iraq. His funeral was yesterday. Today, his parents were interviewed and had some comments for President Bush.

The day after burying their son, parents of a fallen Marine urged President Bush to either send more reinforcements to Iraq or withdraw U.S. troops altogether. ''We feel you either have to fight this war right or get out,'' Rosemary Palmer, mother of Lance Cpl. Edward Schroeder II, said Tuesday.

...The soldier's father said his son and other Marines were being misused as a stabilizing force in Iraq.''Our comments are not just those of grieving parents,'' Paul Schroeder said in front of the couple's home. ''They are based on anger, Mr. President, not grief. Anger is an honest emotion when someone's family has been violated.''

The fallen marine's parents laud Cindy Sheehan, calling her the "Rosa Parks" of the new anti-war movement. They also asked Americans to speak out against the war.

''We want to point out that 30 people have died since our son. Are people listening?'' Palmer asked.

The parents have long opposed the war. Their son, who wanted to enlist, became a dis-believer later on:

Their son went to Iraq filled with optimism about the mission but gradually became disillusioned with the war's progress, his parents said.

''He said the longer it went on the less and less worth it seemed,'' Palmer said. ''They're not doing the job right now. It's not the fault of the troops. It's the fault of the plan.''

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    Be interesting to know if there is any polling data on familes of the fallen. I mean, this is not exactly lacking in sample bias, is it? -C

    We are burying five of those Marines here in this area. I have not heard any sentiments expressed here concerning reservations about the war. This being the reddest of red areas, everyone I've seen questioned truly believes we're "fighting 'em over there so we don't have to fight 'em here". I feel heartsick for the families of these Marines. The young men were all truly exceptional individuals who had tremendous potential. The family's pride in their service notwithstanding, it angers me that these men were put in a position by our government to lose their lives for a lie.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#3)
    by Darryl Pearce on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    I'll believe a first-person before any "polling" data. Dying and wounded soldiers are a national issue. My own son and two nieces are part of the army now....

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#4)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    I have written House and Senate DEmocrats asking that all legislation have an attachment to do exactly what these people who have lost thier son ask. Either Support the Troops with men and material or get out. [url deleted, not in html format] WE must impress upon our representatives taht they are there to represent the people who are now 60% against this war. Only when they hear our voices will they act. No legislation with out a "Real Support for our Troops" ammendment being attached. It is time for accountability from everyone, no just Bush the Arrogant.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#5)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Be interesting to see Cliff pull his head out of the sand.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#6)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#7)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Roy- Nice letter. Well put!! Blogs rule. Congress does not understand the power of the internet...yet.

    Nice letter Roy :) Cliff, sometimes it's good to see the faces behind the numbers. (why am I thinking of lemmings leaping over you?)

    Well, Syn and Scar, all I was wondering is was there some sort of comprehensive polling. I mean we all know that Bob Herbert and TL and the MSM can cherry pick the anti-war folks and put them on the front page.... My guess is that the lack of cites for this means that it either (a) doesn't exist or (b) the results aren't favorable to the anti-war position. Did I miss anything? -C

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#11)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Cliff, Actual people's reactions Vs your "guess". Well, I know which one I'll have to go with............

    Doesn't it anger you guys to see that there are soldiers that don't support the troops?

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#14)
    by peacrevol on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:26 PM EST
    Is the prez even in Caldwell? I dont get it. Why just go gather in the woods under protest? Seems a more public place would have been better, though she is getting some pretty good media coverage right where she is. Maybe she would get more support if she held her protest in, say, Washington, DC... Just makes more sense to me...that's all

    For the first time EVER I think I agree with Cliff. I would guess that the majority of military families are still supportive of the war, though I would also assume, like Cliff, that no polling has been done, so there is no way to know for sure. I remember hearing an interview with the wife of a soldier who had been killed, and she said something really heartbreaking, that she had to believe in this war, because otherwise she would have to come to terms with the possibility that her husband died for nothing and that was just too awful to think about. I think there are a lot of people in this country who are still clinging to the fantasy of this being a noble war because they are not yet ready to face up to the possibility that it's not.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#16)
    by Wile ECoyote on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    Roy: It is interesting that you want legislators to govern by polling. So if 60% of the people are against the income tax (no stretch there) you would agree to get rid of that? How about if 60% of people are for automatic death setence for anyone convicted of a violent sex crime against a child?

    To peacrevol... Yes it seems as if Washington would be the best place, but I'm sure she has done enough research to know that she is safer in Texas than in D.C. Safer I mean as in being locked up! She is also smart enough to realize that if she really wants to get to GWB then what better way, to take it where he goes to get away from everything and relax! To bad the soldiers can't do that. It seems these days there is only one way out for them. Truely sad.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#18)
    by Al on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    The validity of Cindy Sheehan's question does not depend on polls, which of course Cliff knows very well. Cliff is just trying to distract attention from what exactly she's doing. Here's the question she poses: Bush has stated in a speech that the soldiers who died in Iraq did so for a worthwhile cause. She wants him to tell her what it is. So far, he has been unable to produce any answer better than "I need to get on with my life". You like polls, Cliff? Here you go.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#19)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    Al - Mrs. Sheehan's son died fighting in the WOT. The basis for the war is a series of attacks against the US, starting in the fall of 1979 and continuing, with increasing occurrences and casualties until 9/11/2001. At that point they finally got our attention, and Bush moved against the Taliban, and their supporters Al-Qaida in Afghanistan. He then, based on intelligence information believed by the US, including Democratic leaders and all of the major nations, moved to re-establish weapons inspection and enforcement of various UN resolutions that Iraq, under Saddam, was in violation of. Saddam was, at best, non-cooperative, and when he would not resign and leave, we invaded. Now. You know that, Mrs. Sheehan knows that, and I know that. What we have is not a disagreement over facts, what we have is a disagreement over how the WOT should be prosecuted. The anti-war Left, who from all reports Mrs. Sheehan was a member of long before the death of her son, wants at best, a criminal justice approach, and to try and reason with the radicals. Bush, and the American people, recognized that is futile, and sought a pre-emptive strike strategy. As he noted in his 2003 SOTU speech:
    Some have said we must not act until the threat is imminent. Since when have terrorists and tyrants announced their intentions, politely putting us on notice before they strike? If this threat is permitted to fully and suddenly emerge, all actions, all words, and all recriminations would come too late. Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option.
    Link There’s Mrs. Sheehan’s answer. In 280 words.

    The basis for the war is a series of attacks against the US, starting in the fall of 1979 and continuing, with increasing occurrences and casualties until 9/11/2001.
    Holy mackerel. I assume you're referring to the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran here? Let's look at a few of the things that happened. After Iranian students--with the backing of their government--seized the embassy, our country became fast friends with Iran's longtime foe, Iraq and its strongman dicatator, Saddam Hussein. Even when it became apparent that he had,yes, gassed his own people, we looked the other way, reasoning that the enemy of our enemy was our friend. We continued to fund and arm resistance fighters in Afghanistan, including a Saudi expat from the wealthy bin Laden family. Now explain if you can, Jim, how our support for these two became a need to invade Iraq.

    Jim boldly provides the answer to the question all America has been asking: How many lies and misrepresentations can a rightwinger put into one paragraph without laughing? "More than you can count!" I'll just give you one. "Our attention" was rather intensively focused on Osama bin Laden during the Clinton years, when the serious danger of what bin Laden was up to came into focus. Richard Clarke and John O'Neill, neither of them liberal wusses, were on the job, to name just two, and they had the attention and support of the White House. They made mistakes, they failed sometimes -and admitted it, the sign of true character- but they prevented the millenium attack, nearly got bin Laden in a missile attack in Afghanistan, and destroyed a chemical factory in Africa that, to this day, many maintain was making chemo weapons. They also thwarted other attacks, for example, one on a ship similar to the successful one on the Cole. One of the most tantalizing near-misses was of course the assassination plot, to attack bin Laden's compound. Unfortunately, Saudi royalty was also there and there was a substantial risk they and their families would get killed. To the anger and frustration of all, including Clinton to be sure, the attack was called off. No responsible president would have ordered that attack as it would have created, pre 9/11, an international incident of spectacular proportions. As for "your attention" during this time -meaning Republicans - well, your attention was focused on the president's wee-wee. When Bush took over the White House, Clarke and O'Neill, to name just two, were pushed aside so that grown-ups could run the show. And the grown-ups knew that bin Laden was just one isolated man, a rich nobody. Saddam, he's the major threat. Oh, and before these folks were pushed aside, they -and so many others involved with security during Clinton - went out of their way to warn the Bush administration. Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice, Ashcroft - they knew better than to waste time keeping a close eye on Osama bin Laden.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#23)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    PPJ- WOT ala Bush is a disaster just like WOD. Terror has increased dramaticallyt world wide since the Iraq invasion. In fact, our little invasion turned into a recruiting campaign for terrorists. The only positive effect of Bush's Iraq war has been increased revenues for the Military Defense Industry and undertakers worldwide. The state dept. even stopped releasing annual terror incidents and reformulated its criteria so the report would be less embarrassing.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#24)
    by Andreas on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    PPJ wrote: "Saddam was, at best, non-cooperative, and when he would not resign and leave, we invaded." George W. Bush is non-cooperative (he does not do what the majority of the people tell him to do). So, when he does not resign and leave, the United States of America can be invaded? There existed a political movement with the same type of aggressive arrogance: it was in power in Germany between 1933 and 1945.

    One more nit to pick, PPJ. What you call a "preemptive strike" others call premature vengeance.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#26)
    by Al on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    Cliff, did you just link to the 2003 Bush speech, or did you actually read it? This is the speech where he says that Al-Qaeda is on the run, most of its leaders captured, that Saddam has chemical and biological weapons, that he has mobile biological labs, etc. etc. All of it as we know complete and utter rot. So that's not the answer to Cindy Sheehan's question. The day of reckoning is very near for the likes of you Cliff: You don't have an answer, and more and more people understand this by the day. You can't fool all the people all the time.

    Posted by MWF: "Yes it seems as if Washington would be the best place, but I'm sure she has done enough research to know that she is safer in Texas than in D.C." How it must make you so PROUD to slander Gold Star Mothers. As for 'Caldwell,' doubt if the fake pres has EVER been to Caldwell. Where's Caldwell? You nitwits can't even get the names right. But as for DC, yeah, a little news reading would have already alerted you to Mrs. Sheehan's intention of following Bush back to DC and continuing her protest/demand for honesty from the Liar-in-Chief. On Sept. 24, a massive anti-illegal-Iraq-invasion protest will be held, nationwide, worldwide, but especially in DC. Some of the nationwide and worldwide protests will be held on Sat. Sept 23 instead, so check your local listings. Hussein was installed by the CIA, and armed by Reagan/Bush. When he became 'non-cooperative' was over the Jordanian pipeline. That's when it was decided to destroy Iraq and turn it into a parking lot for fighter jets. The genocide which has followed over the last fifteen years only makes sociopaths proud, Jim.

    I didn't link to anything. And my poll question was more about the real proportion of the anti-Bush/anti-war/anti-US crowd to the rest of us. (Well, not you, but you know what I mean.) It wasn't intended to say that her opinions weren't valid b/c they weren't supported by polling data. But of course that was obvious - but just like dogs chase cars, liberals throw mud at conservatives. -C

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#29)
    by roy on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    Wyle E I think when polls show a consistancy of opinion over time, as they have on the war, yes they are one of many tools to use gaugeing the will of the people. Granted that it is an aggregate and different areas of the country would poll differently. THe folks in Washington DC are just out of touch with the people. Ms. Sheehan is showing that. War and taxes are two different things, taxes are a required duty of a people to pay for governemnt services. War is not required, and when it becomes required, it is not now, 60% of the people would not be against it. I think the totality of my letter says essentially that. We just need to remember where the power resides. It is in the people, not the governmnet.

    Cliff, are you insinuating that Republicans and conservatives never throw mud at anyone, much less a liberal? If that is your assertion then your are more dense than your posts make you out to be. PPJ,in your 1979 being the beginning of the GWOT assertion are you referring to the American embassay being taken over in Tehran, Iran? If so then I would also like to point out to you that this is yet another instance where the U.S. backed a repressive dictator, the Shah of Iran, who had his secret police kill off any legitimate opposition leaders, like moderate Muslim(just so you know how to correctly spell the name)clerics, and left the playing field wide open for the likes of Khomeini(sp?) to come to power. Your willfull ignorance of how the U.S. foreign policy in regards to the Middle East helped to set the stage for radical Islamists to come to the forefront is indicative of your debating style. Make some crap assertions, provide links to even more crap, and then completely deny/ignore any well founded facts that come your way. As for the parents mentioned in this post their is a really good segment from that travesty "Hardball" with Chris "I'm a worthless shill for the Repuglicans" Matthews posted on Crooks & Liars. I think you have to go to the archives and you can find it from about 2 weeks ago. Check it out.

    Oh yeah, I forgot you will no longer respond to me, PPJ. So why don't you just pretend that it was somebody else asking you a question about the 1979 statement because I really would like to know if that is the incident in question that kicked off the GWOT.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#32)
    by Al on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    I didn't link to anything
    First sensible thing you've said all day. I confused you with your soulmate PPJ.

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#34)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:27 PM EST
    repeating a lie does not make it the truth. iraq had oil, but no WMDs, no ability to attack the US and no connection to AQ or 9/11. Mrs Sheehan knows that. Even bush knows that. IRT should congresscritters pay attention to polls; A) You mean they don't!? B) Oh, no, they should just pay attention to the corps who give them $$. C) If a majority of a rep's constituents support a POV, aren't they obligated to represent the people in their district/state? D) Any/all of the above. BTW, the same folks here who are claiming that a majority of Americans shouldn't rule are the same ones calling for a simple majority in the senate to rule. Can you say fillibuster? I thought you could;-) I don't have any problem with cliff asking for more data, (ie a poll on military widows, orphans, grieving parents), there is nothing wrong with asking why the MSM is focusing on individuals and wanting to know how the group would respond. But the mud slinging aside was gratuitous; there is enough mud thrown by both repubs and dems that pot and kettle apply.

    Now explain if you can QIB, how asking stupid questions has suddenly become fashionable on the Left.
    Well, here's another stupid question: Is that the best you can do?

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#37)
    by ppjakajim on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:28 PM EST
    QIB - I can't top that for stupidity. DA - Your luminance spreads. Sailor – Problem is, the issue is broader than that, as you know. Bush was working based on several parameters; one of them that said Saddam had used WMD’s which is true. So he had WMD’s. The question is; when did he get rid of them? But no matter. Everyone thought he had them. "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002 (I can give you many more from Kennedy, Pelosi, Clinton, Graham, et al.) And. as the Kay Report showed, he was trying to get back into the WMD business. So what to do? Oh, I know! Let’s ignore it and hope it does away

    Re: Parents of Fallen Marine Back Cindy Sheehan Af (none / 0) (#39)
    by kdog on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:02:28 PM EST
    ''We want to point out that 30 people have died since our son. Are people listening?''
    I'm sorry, what was that?, like 90% of the country I was talking to my wife on the cell phone to see if she wants KFC or Wendy's for dinner. My daughter's late for soccer practice, and I have a 6:00AM tee time tommorow. Did you say something about an unnecessary war getting Americans killed everyday?