
Iraq Leaders Delay Constitution

Update: Constitution delayed.

Original Post:

ABC News in Australia is reporting the Kurds and Shiites have agreed on a draft of a Constitution and will present it regardless of whether the Sunnis agree.

"An agreement between the Shiites and the Kurds (the two main parliamentary blocs) have been reached... God willing, the draft will be presented in the Parliament today," Shiite negotiator Jawad al-Maliki said.

Although the agreement appears to have been thrashed out over the heads of the Sunnis, the Kurds and Shiites have enough seats in Parliament - 215 out of 275 - between them to have the constitution approved with a majority.

More from the Guardian here. Garance at Tapped writes:

this defective new constitution cannot be seen as something that is in America's long-term security interests. It is entirely too illiberal and divisive for that. And, as Matt himself noted this morning, foreign policy has to be treated substantively and not just as a matter of domestic political positioning.

The problem right now is that the present constitution seems like a recipe for civil war between Islamic theocrats representing the Shia majority and more secular Sunni previously loyal to Saddam Hussein. Rather than quelling the Sunni insurgency through the political process, it seems to be exacerbating Sunni grievances and complaints of disenfranchisement. How can that outcome possibly be in America's near or long-term security interests given the influx of foreign terrorists into Iraq and what power -- and weapons -- they might gain there should there be a civil war?

Armando at Daily Kos weighs in here. Billmon too.

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