Once again, Karl Rove has let the dogs out. A vicious campaign to maul Citizen Sheehan is in play. Instead of answering her questions - the right wing media hacks are focusing on her motives, her mental health, her ideology and her family. These are standard and classic Rovian tactics used to smear administration critics. The predictable pundits at FOX have taken the lead by portraying Sheehan as a treasonous ‘crackpot’ who is exploiting the death of her son to gain fame and fortune and advance the extremist political agenda of leftist ‘anti-American’ groups. Hate radio stations across the nations are assailing Cindy’s integrity and questioning her patriotism.
The objective of this smear campaign is to draw fire away from Bush. Instead of focusing on the argument between Sheehan and the president – we now have a contest between Sheehan’s supporters and her detractors. What started out as a search for the truth is being reduced to an ideological spat between the left and the right.