
Refugees Comandeer School Bus, Get to Astrodome

Police in New Orleans told a group of refugees in New Orleans to take a school bus and head to the Astrodome in Houston:

The first busload of New Orleans refugees to reach the Reliant Astrodome overnight was a group of people who commandeered a school bus in the city ravaged by Hurricane Katrina and drove to Houston looking for shelter.

Jabbar Gibson, 20, said police in New Orleans told him and others to take the school bus and try to get out of the flooded city. Gibson drove the bus from the flooded Crescent City, picking up stranded people, some of them infants, along the way. Some of those on board had been in the Superdome, among those who were supposed to be evacuated to Houston on more than 400 buses Wednesday and today. They couldn't wait.

The group was refused entry to the Astrodome, then authorites changed their mind and let them in.

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  • Re: Refugees Comandeer School Bus, Get to Astrodom (none / 0) (#1)
    by aw on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:07 PM EST

    That's America for you, you have to take things into your own hands if you want to survive. Hooray for this guy!

    a few of us decided that we should try to do something for Mr Gibson. Not just because he did the right thing and acted bravely in a bad situation but because, well, because we can't do something for all the people who acted heroicly during Katrina. Mr Gibson has become our symbol. Please see our petition;
    Petition to honor Jabbar Gibson "We have been extraordinarily moved by the story of Jabbar Gibson, and the initiative he displayed in commandeering a bus to drive Hurricane Katrina victims out of New Orleans. We were very alarmed to hear that he was at one time in danger of prosecution. Mr. Gibson declared to the news media, "I don’t care if I get blamed for it, as long as I saved my people." But WE care if he gets blamed for it." [snip] " We request that this young man be awarded appropriately with a Presidential Medal of Freedom and a full four-year scholarship to the college of his choice. For we truly believe that Jabbar Gibson as an individual, exemplified the courage and the spirit that is the best part of America and in so doing became emblematic of the actions many others who responded bravely and selflessly in the face of this disaster. He is someone we should support, encourage, and see prosper in this great nation. Jabbar Gibson and those like him are the future of America!"