
FEMA caught lying on CNN via AOL; Cuban aid rebuffed

by Last Night in Little Rock

AOL users: AOL has a 3:19 video clip from CNN that I could not find on CNN's website entitled Chertoff Fact Check. It has video clips of the various positions taken by DHS Secretary Chertoff and FEMA Director Michael Brown before and after Katrina struck where they are caught, shall we say, flip flopping? Some would say flip flopping, but I'm going to say lying to CYA, forgetting that everything a public official says or does is on videotape.

They deny that this scenario could occur, yet they studied this specific scenario months before Katrina struck, etc. The list painfully goes on forever, and we don't have to recount it any more. CNN.com also has a story Clinton: Government 'failed' people with a video link.

If we can find "Chertoff Fact Check" on CNN's website, we will post it here as an update.

Cuban President Fidel Castro also told 1,586 Cuban doctors today who were willing to come to the U.S. with 27 pounds of medicine each to help that the U.S. has not responded. Castro made the offer 48 hours ago and has heard nothing.

A pattern of non-governing.

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  • Louisiana's real problem isn't Chertoff or Brown. Louisiana's problem is that it's not Florida.

    Re: FEMA caught lying on CNN via AOL; Cuban aid re (none / 0) (#2)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:18 PM EST
    Brown was fired for dishonesty at his last job... birds of a feather....billmon has some quotes.link

    I agree, and I've wanted to go there so many times. I also believe that the fact that African-American lives are being toyed with in Louisiana shows the "compassionate conservatism" of this Administration. The photo op of the President with his arm around a crying African-American woman in Biloxi made we want to gag. We all know Karl Rove was shouting "Get me a black in here."

    Re: FEMA caught lying on CNN via AOL; Cuban aid re (none / 0) (#4)
    by wishful on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:18 PM EST
    Now which part of the regime's response to Katrina was the pro-life part--the willful refusal to help trapped and dying citizens, or the lying about it afterwards? These guys are really too complex for me. Might someone here be able to explain it so I can understand it?

    Re: FEMA caught lying on CNN via AOL; Cuban aid re (none / 0) (#5)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:18 PM EST
    Another liar caught spinning. Boustany, a Man of No Principles link C&L has the video link via josh marshall Josh notes that many FEMA execs were in busy in Greece celebrating Mark Wallace's (Brown's replacement) wedding to WH communications advisor Nicolle Devenish.

    Re: FEMA caught lying on CNN via AOL; Cuban aid re (none / 0) (#6)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:18 PM EST
    Last night in Little Rock: We all know Karl Rove was shouting "Get me a black in here Of course... they are terrified, and all they can think of is: Circle the wagons, boys, this is the "Mother of all PR issues!"