
Howard Dean's Statement on Katrina Response

Howard Dean speaks here.

Based on today’s reports, it seems clear that President Bush’s visit today is just another callous political move crafted by Karl Rove. It’s just appalling to see how quickly President Bush and Karl Rove have mobilized a political strategy in their own defense, but simply failed to mobilize a swift response to either keep the people in the Gulf Coast region safe in the first place or aid the victims in the aftermath of the storm.

"Thousands of people have lost their lives. Our nation faces difficult times as we address the painful aftermath of Katrina, yet President Bush is worried about shifting blame and passing the buck? Shouldn’t he be worried about restoring stability, plans to evacuate survivors, and ensuring that our communities have the resources they need to help the victims of this tragedy rebuild their lives? Now is a time for leadership not partisanship. This is one failure we will not allow Rove and the GOP attack machine to spin away with their usual barrage of photo-ops, misinformation, smear campaigns and press conferences."

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    Re: Howard Dean's Statement on Katrina Response (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:20 PM EST
    So were Clinton's various visits (during his Presidency) to hurricane ravaged sites also a callous political strategy?

    Re: Howard Dean's Statement on Katrina Response (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:20 PM EST
    What is callous is the Presidential visit without Presidential action - except for the counter-productive halting of rescue operations for Bush's visit and again for his wife's separate visit. Sadly, it appears that FEMA has impeded relief efforts -- including Homeland Security's refusal to permit the Red Cross to enter New Orleans, the well-publicized rejection of Chicago's offer of medical personnel and trucks, and refusal of other offers of materials and medical personnel. Moreover, today's reports suggest that Mississippi will get federal funds before New Orleans, due to Mississippi's greater political clout. When Clinton visited, he was reinforcing the excellent work of his FEMA chief, Witt, who made that agency effective and responsive to natural disaster. Moreover, Clinton expressed concern for the numerous victims of disaster, as opposed to Bush, who's first concern was for the replacement of Trent Lott's second home.

    Re: Howard Dean's Statement on Katrina Response (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:21 PM EST
    I'm sorry TL, but the heading for this post is simply wrong. It should read: Howard Dean Restates His Own Irrelevancy. Seriously, did anyone need Howard to tell them that there was a political motive to a photo-op visit? Not likely. And, in the process, Howard has proven, even though no further proof was necessary, that the calls for Bush to visit New Orleans last week were in fact a manufactured Catch-22. Before the president went, he was "insensitive, arrogant, and out of touch". Now that he's gone, he's "insensitive, politically motivated, and out of touch". Is it any wonder so few people pay any attention to Howard, the DNC, or Democrats in general when all they do is rant about the obvious and throw mud at anything that moves. Oh well, at least he didn't scream.

    Re: Howard Dean's Statement on Katrina Response (none / 0) (#4)
    by N in Seattle on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:21 PM EST
    No one necessarily wanted Dubya to show his pasty, smirky face in New Orleans. What they did want was for his pasty, smirky federal government to do something about the disaster. And by "disaster", I'm not talking about the political repercussions arising from the utter incompetence, if not active malice, of his administration.

    Re: Howard Dean's Statement on Katrina Response (none / 0) (#5)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:21 PM EST
    At least we got to hear his mom telling us what they were all thinking while they were smirking and smiling.