
NY Times: "Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Union Street"

by Last Night in Little Rock

The NY Times today has a surreal article today about "post-apocalypse" New Orleans: Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Union Street.

This is a view the talking heads on TV will never give us, with words with power.

Hours passed, the dusk of curfew crept, the body remained. A Louisiana state trooper around the corner knew all about it: murder victim, bludgeoned, one of several in that area. The police marked it with traffic cones maybe four days ago, he said, and then he joked that if you wanted to kill someone here, this was a good time.

Night came, then this morning, then noon, and another sun beat down on a dead son of the Crescent City.

That a corpse lies on Union Street may not shock; in the wake of last week's hurricane, there are surely hundreds, probably thousands. What is remarkable is that on a downtown street in a major American city, a corpse can decompose for days, like carrion, and that is acceptable.

Welcome to New Orleans in the post-apocalypse, half baked and half deluged: pestilent, eerie, unnaturally quiet.

The article also talks about looters arrested for taking food from a grocery store while electronics store looters are never arrested.

"Looters" trying to survive are not looters. How long before they get bail? The courts are shut down, as is the jail, so they are detained at the bus station. The defense lawyers and prosecutors are out of business, as are the bail bondsmen. But there's always room at the Greyhound jail for one more poor soul who was just trying to eat.


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  • Re: NY Times: "Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Uni (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:27 PM EST
    As unpleasant and upsetting as these reminders and images may be - I think we need to hear and see them. They are reality. Covering our eyes, or burying our heads in the sand, is never a good idea. Reality, if ignored, has a nasty way of biting you on the a** when you least expect it...

    Isn't this when Scott McClellan and Dan Bartlett scold us that this is no time for finger pointing?

    Re: NY Times: "Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Uni (none / 0) (#3)
    by scarshapedstar on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:27 PM EST
    My dad's been pressed into service as the sole public defender at the St. Tammany Parish courthouse. They've been clearing out all the petty crooks in a marathon session because the jail is flooded with sewage.

    Viewing the bodies in all their stomach renching attack on our senses do serve a purpose. I causes one to feel. We stare with no thoughts, just feelings of life and lifelessness. What we do with those feelings is what matters.

    Re: NY Times: "Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Uni (none / 0) (#5)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:28 PM EST
    Look long, and look hard. Look until it makes you sick. Look until you see the "human beings" there when you close your eyes. The mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and neighbors... who grew up trusting and believing that the world, their country, their government, and their "leaders", CARED.

    Re: NY Times: "Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Uni (none / 0) (#6)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:28 PM EST
    Isn't this when Scott McClellan and Dan Bartlett scold us that this is no time for finger pointing? Wouldn't we all, if that finger was pointed at us?

    Re: NY Times: "Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Uni (none / 0) (#7)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:28 PM EST
    Re: NY Times: "Macabre Reminder: The Corpse on Uni (none / 0) (#8)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:28 PM EST
    Scar, Tell your dad thanks for his work. And you hang in there also. Help is on... scratch that.

    9/11 March to Bushville, DC On 9/11 survivors of Katrina will commit an act of Nonviolent Civil Disobedience by setting up an illegal camp on the Washington, DC Mall. Bushville, DC will stay there as long as it takes to get answers and change. Visit http://www.bushville.org and spread the word. We will camp on Bush's doorstep and make him face us every day until he is driven from power. Join the March to Bushville, DC. If you can't make it on 9/11 visit us on 9/24.