
Soldiers Ignored Those in Superdome to Chase Looters Instead

by Last Night in Little Rock

Paramedics from San Francisco in NOLA wrote on RawStory this weekend that National Guardsmen were playing "cat and mouse" with looters and ignoring efforts to get food from nearby stores that was going to go bad anyway without refrigeration and should have been salvaged.

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    Re: Soldiers Ignored Those in Superdome to Chase L (none / 0) (#1)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:42 PM EST
    I have a friend housed with the troops. Apparently, many are talking about how they are looking forward to shooting a few locals. False bravado? I hope so. Also, 63 refrigerated tractor trailers filled with bodies, when when we see this on TV ?

    Uh, you do realize this story has been discussed over and over, even being sanitized by the NYT, right?

    Re: Soldiers Ignored Those in Superdome to Chase L (none / 0) (#3)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:43 PM EST
    Roger - This AM I heard that the count was under 400. Where do you get your info?

    Re: Soldiers Ignored Those in Superdome to Chase L (none / 0) (#4)
    by Johnny on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:03:43 PM EST
    Jim, there are times when you discount anything reported, and times when you gladly accept what is being reported. Like everyone else, you stick your fingers in your ear and shout "la la la la" when something you do not like to hear sprouts up. Rest assured that no corporate shill posing as a journalist will speak about 63 trailers full of dead human beings as long as the "official" count is 400... Besides, who's to say that they have only counted the first 400 and not the next 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 thousand?

    WHAT is a mercenary outfit like Blackwater doing deployed by the federal gov't in Louisiana? Posse comitatus is one thing, but MERCS? Some of thse mercs have reportedly been DEPUTIZED (report on Dem. Now!). They wouldn't be allowed to work as police in the US under any normal Federal government. We have PLENTY of police to work in the disaster areas. We don't need mercenaries with high-powered ILLEGAL rifles WORKING FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT in our states. Jim, and other 'conservatives,' once again, SILENT on this issue. They haven't gotten their updated talking points, so they have to just sit on their hands and pucker in anticipation, right Jim?