
American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban Corpses

by TChris

As reported in the NY Times, Australian journalists revealed that American soldiers in Afghanistan “burned the bodies of two dead Taliban fighters and then used the charred and smoking corpses in a propaganda campaign against the insurgents.” According to the Australian report, a “psychological operations team” used a loudspeaker to broadcast taunts while driving through a village suspected of harboring Taliban fighters.

According to the program's translation of the taunts, which were delivered in the local language by American forces on the scene, a soldier identified as Sgt. Jim Baker, said: "You allowed your fighters to be laid down facing west and burned. You are too scared to come down and retrieve the bodies. This just proves you are the lady boys we always believed you to be." … The reference to the bodies "facing west" appeared to be a deliberate mocking of the Islamic requirement to face Mecca during prayers.

The Pentagon acknowledged that a video of the incident appeared to be accurate and announced that it would undertake a criminal investigation of those responsible. According to the Times, “senior officials” admitted the obvious: “that the incident posed the potential to do further harm in the Islamic world to the image of the United States, already badly tarnished by the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal.”

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    Wait 'til Bill O'Reilly hears about this...investigation? Why does the military hate America?

    Tchris.... Yes.... during a war, instead of intimidating your ememy and trying to break his will to fight, we really should be kissing them goodnight and tucking them in bed! Milk & cookies anyone?

    Laughing Jackal .. Your real question should be .. why does Tchris (TL) hate the military?

    Uh, BB, wasn't America outraged by the desecration of American contractors' bodies in Fallujah? Wasn't it enough to send in the Marines and kill how many innocent civlilians in the resulting street battles? And now you think it's no big deal? Where do you hypocrites hang out between sticking your heads up your @sses?

    I find it interesting that TChris trumpets stuff like this to the hilt, and is completely silent over things like the Palestinian destruction (and desecration) of Synagogues in Gaza. I guess only some atrocities are worth noticing to the Media Matters crowd.

    Here's a little lesson on hypocricy: Khudistan President Abdul Adda selected a fundamentalist Muslim to his Supreme Religious Council and Tribunal, stating that his devout Islamic beliefs would make him a perfect candidate to preserve law. Khudistan is constitutionally a democracy, but the President has declared that "Allah shall be present in the streets, in the classrooms, and in the homes, and our laws will reflect Allah's will..." Khudistan has declared that any captured American forces are illegal combatants in its border conflict with Irael, and any American shall not receive the protection of the Geneva Convention. In a recent scandal involving the torture, mutilation and murder of American prisoners, many hard-line Khudistanis declared that "this is nothing, have you seen what they do to our people?" Amid American outrage, Khudistanis flood the television airwaves advocating the slaughter of all Americans for their chutzpah. The Khudistani President recently tried to overthrow a provincial court ruling by declaring that "Allah's will is above any law in this nation," and convinced his parliament to order the Tribunal to set aside the provincial ruling. At sites across the nation, fundamentalist Muslims gathered to support the President and advocate the arrest and imprisonment of the provincial court and its supporters. Sound familiar folks? Perhaps because Khudistan doesn't exist, but America does, as does the American Taliban? Chew on that for awhile...and then tell me again that what has just been reported is "no big deal..."

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#7)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    I find it telling that the wrongwingers support violating the GenCon. jr, did we destroy the synagogues? Did we occupy palestine? Does this have anything to do with the subject? Sadly, No! nice strawman, now go play with fire.

    Laughing Jackal .... wasn't America outraged by the desecration of American contractors' Yes...of course... The KEY word there being 'contractors' (IE - innocent "civilians") Why is it you people can't differentiate between innocent people and people taking up arms against us? And now you think it's no big deal? I never said that...what I am against is the left's constant anti military blathering making everything a big deal! sticking your heads up your @sses? Cranial / Rectal inversion is something the left is extremely good at! BTW... you name suits you very well!

    BB, those contractors whom you call "innocent civilians" were, at the time of their demise, riding in military vehicles armed to the teeth with automatic weapons. Ergo, they were mercenaries, and in most countries in this world, mercenaries are unlawful f#cking combatants if there ever was one. You were saying?

    Laughing Jack.... this is nothing, have you seen what they do to our people?" Yeah dude...and we all know that they didn't do anything bad to us... (burn bodies - cut off heads...etc...etc.) till we did it first. And I'm sure if we are as nice as can be to them from now on, they will love us and welcome us with open arms... LMAO! Get a freakin clue will ya? Time to fight fire with fire. Sailor.... I find it telling that the wrongwingers support violating the GenCon And I find it very telling that the leftie loonies still try & harp on the GenCon thing. Jeeez...when are you guys going to get off this? We have proven over & over again that it doesn't apply here! Talk about a strawman! Find something new to argue about.

    Laughing jackass.... at the time of their demise, riding in military vehicles armed to the teeth with automatic weapons. Link please?

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#12)
    by jen on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    When evil people do evil things, what's to be outraged about? Thats what makes them evil. When OUR people do evil things, then maybe we should say something about it, no? Or are you guys into "situational ethics"?

    BB, you are a terrorist supporter and you don't even know it. Fighting fire with fire is what the insurgents have been doing to American forces since roughly Day One, wouldn't you agree? You can't call for the wholesale slaughter of your enemy without mercy and cry when you get the same from them, you dolt. If they are going to be terrorists and violate human rights, how does joining them in the cesspool make you smell any better? They torture and murder, you f#cking torture and murder. If that's what your standard is - "Well, they do it too..." then you're no better than them. In fact, you're a whole lot worse because you should damned well know better...and you do, which makes you so frightening in your logic.

    As for the link, BB, please tell the world that you need a link to finally discover what everyone on this site knows already, that the only "contractors" in Iraq riding around in armored SUV's and providing a security escort are those who are armed and prepared for WWIII... Please, please, BB, ask me for the link on that, just one more time, and I'll give it to you, I promise.... >sound of Jackal Laughing his @SS off<

    Laughing Jackel is right here. Those contractors were from Blackwater, a mercenary group based in North Carolina and some of the most vicious SOBs you can hire. Contractor is just a nice name for them as guns for hire/mercenaries/soldiers of fortune results in bad imagary to Americans.

    That's the great danger that lies in ignorance, Limeyfellow- BB either believes, or would have you believe, if you don't know better, that the "contractors" in question were innocent civilians out for a leisurely Sunday morning drive to enjoy a quiet brunch of date, hummus and Turkish coffee on the sun-dappled banks of the Euphrates... He is either an idiot or incredibly diabolical, counting on swaying enough semi-literate rubes with his lies or unbelievable claims to ignorance on the most most basic facts. Yes, BB, the Blackwater Mercenaries- er, "Contractors," were innocent civilians out for a drive in F#cking Fallujah. Oh- and here come the dudes with the butterfly nets...

    Laughing Jack.... Fighting fire with fire is what the insurgents have been doing to American forces since roughly Day One, wouldn't you agree? No! You (not surprisingly) are way off the mark. I hate to shatter your 'rose colored' view of these animals... but....despite what the lefty news might report... American soldiers do not target civilians (set car bombs up to blow up market places)... they do not run around in civilian clothes and hide in Mosques when being chased. They do not capture civilian reporters (and cut off their heads), they do not kill 'elected' officials of the new government...etc..etc. I could go on & on but I really hope you get the point by now? Of course this is laughable because if you had a clue you would have never made that statement in the first place. You can't call for the wholesale slaughter of your enemy without mercy And who has called for that? Once again...link please. We certainly want to defeat our enemy (in spite of people like you that want to glorify them) but the wholesale slaughter? I believe you are reading stuff from their side? That is their aim. Of course being on their side I can see how that might be confusing for you. please tell the world that you need a link to finally discover what everyone on this site knows already, LOL...Everyone on this site? I know what all you lefties 'think' you know ...and again...it's not surprising. You hate this Government and see our enemies as "freedom fighters".... What else do I need to know?

    NEWS FLASH… This just in…. Historical researchers have recently verified that American troops did indeed shoot at & kill people of German & Japanese decent during WWII! When asked if this is yet another example of America’s racism the researcher replied… “I think this proof speaks for itself”. So there you have it. Americans not only used conventional guns to kill & mame these poor people, but also artillery shells from tanks & ships, bombs from airplanes, mines (both land & sea) , mortars, and even flame throwers (badly burning the bodies beyond recognition in many cases). What outrageous atrocities! When asked what can be done in the future…. Some researchers recommended that we just lay down our arms and forget about it. That way nobody will complain about our military doing its job End of report….

    And another thing, all you trolls on this thread- The abuses in Abu Graib began well before the outrage in Fallujah and you know it, unless you can't tell the difference between late '93 (Abu Graib the Genesis) and April '04 (The Fallujah Bridge Party). At any rate, justication with "They started it first" is for the murdering bastards and not for civilized peoples, whichever side is saying it. All involved are animals, in my book, and anyone who supports either side out of "patriotism," "righteousness," or "payback" deserves to be captured and dealt with by the "other side." A pox on both your houses, terrorists and American-Torture/Murder Inc. supporters.

    Limeyfellow: I live just down the street from one of the Blackwater personnel. What sort of proof do you have they are vicious? Should I keep my dog out of his yard? Not let my kids trick or treat at his house?

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#21)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    Perhaps you are thinking of AQ when you say the GenCons don't apply. This is allegedly the Taliban, which was the acknowleged gov't of afghanistan. But if you don't think the gencons apply, why do you object to the methods they use to kill mercenaries? Desecrating corpses is wrong, I'm surprised even wrongwingers support it.

    Sailor... But if you don't think the gencons apply, why do you object to the methods they use to kill mercenaries? I didn't object...go back & read the post. I was simply saying we need to fight fire with fire. Where were all you lefties when that was going on by the way? Wait... I already know... you were all blaming GW for everything that happened over there. Desecrating corpses is wrong, I'm surprised even wrongwingers support it. Nobody "supports" it.. we just understand how it could happen and aren't willing to automatically hang our troops when we hear about it.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#23)
    by desertswine on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    Well, I wonder what George "Lady Boy" Bush is gonna have to say about this.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#24)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    et al - As I find increasingly true with TChris' comments..... So what? I frankly don't care what we did to or with the bodies in question. If it was disrecptful... So what? We need to put some fear in the minds of these people. And the military should just say that to the people protesting... Of course if the bodies had been those of "Little Eichmans...." The Left would have said: So what?"

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#25)
    by soccerdad on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    I think we can all stop reading PPJ comments by remembering his 4 basic tenets: 1. The US can do whatever it wants whenever it wants. 2. if the US does it, it is by definition moral 3. "Them" are lesser humans [if human at all] and do not deserve basic human considerations. Corollary 1: all of them are "Them" 4. The principle of moral relativism should always be applied, i.e. if we do it it is good, if they do it it is bad or different or whatever.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#26)
    by jen on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    putting fear in their hearts is one thing pissing them off so much that even the most cowardly fraidy cat picks up a bomb and walks up to a soldier is something else

    "Posted by Laughing Jackal: "send in the Marines and kill how many innocent civlilians in the resulting street battles?" Hardly, LJ. The airforce bombed 40% of Fallujan buildings to rubble, knocked out the water and power facilities, used new incendiary bombs which turn people to ash in an instant, and there were reports of US military high-pressure water trucks in the city the next morning, washing down the streets -- which points to the use of chemical weapons on this civilian population. The US military did the same thing to Al Qa'im and other towns, and is moving the road show into Syria. This is genocide, and if we get enough justice, some of our supposed leaders will HANG. Over 130,000 innocent Iraqis murdered by George Bush. The buck stops at his Nuremberg. James Robertson, you are beneath contempt.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#28)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    Jen writes:
    pissing them off so much that even the most cowardly fraidy cat picks up a bomb and walks up to a soldier is something else
    And what evidence do you have that this has, or will, happen due to the sunject activities? PIL writes:
    This is genocide, and if we get enough justice, some of our supposed leaders will HANG.
    Again I ask. Define "genocide?" You have invented one that matches only uyour own need.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#30)
    by Che's Lounge on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:11 PM EST
    BB, It looks like things aren't going as well in Afghanistan as they would have you believe. Or is this just SOP for maintaining security in an otherwise liberated country? Mission Accomplished? Oh yeah, that's Iraq. Thank goodness the military finds this more offensive than you do. And that says a lot.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#31)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:12 PM EST
    The taliban and AQ control more territory in afghanistan the the US does. Poppy production is at record levels. iraq has more insurgent attacks than ever before. there are fewer iraqi troops at readiness level than a year ago. Yep, that whole burning the bodies and torturing folks is really working.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#32)
    by jen on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:12 PM EST
    OH, so there hasn't been one single incedent of violence against american soldiers in iraq or afghanistan! Absolutely no one is angry at them! My bad, I was unaware of this development. Yay, we won the hearts and minds.

    Genocide is easily defined, since it was COINED to fit the definition: 1) destruction of civilians en masse. 2) destruction of cultural property. Both characteristics are clearly present in Iraq. "Intent to destroy, in whole or in part" is the language of the Genocide convention, which is US law. What part of "Kill them all" didn't you get? Bush and his cronies put on a historic Dog and Pony Show for America and the world, with the OBVIOUS intent of raising racist hatred of Iraqis as Arabs, violating the UN charter, and railroading the country into war. Did Bushco form an intent to destroy cultural groups in Iraq IN PART? • Al Fallujah, for one example, will never be the same, after two pogroms from the air, which didn't distinguish between civilian and hostile, destroying 40%+ of all buildings, the water and power stations and distribution, and an unknown number of persons. Reports that male Fallujans were not allowed to escape the city before the bombardment shows a specific intent to destroy IN PART the Fallujan male population. The terrorism purpose of such actions are clear. Torture, murder, destruction of cultural property (including burning the Koran-Torah Repository in Baghdad to the ground, a total loss) -- the verdict is simple. But as before, I'd be happy to have an impartial court determine if genocide was commited, amidst the THOUSANDS of war crimes of Bush and those following his orders. Jim, you have no credibility, except to yourself. How many more times are you going to ask this same question?

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#34)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:12 PM EST
    PIL - "genocide" "the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group" That has not happened. But keep on making claims. It keeps you busy and out of trouble. Jen - We don't want their hearts and minds. We want them dead, captured or out of the country. What about the fact that you are dealing with religios fanatics don't you understand? Didn't you catch a clue when they showed the Afghanistan woman being shot in the back of the head for being accused of adultery??? Darkly - Somehow I don't think a quotation from the Christian bible will mean anything to these people.

    Your so-called definition is not correct. The legal definition includes simply the INTENT or the conspiracy to destroy, in whole OR PART, a group, including a NATIONAL GROUP. That is what has happened. Indeed, the Fallujah example ALONE is genocide. Just keep lying to yourself. Any other relationship to the facts will make you feel like the ugliest liar on the planet.

    a “psychological operations team” used a loudspeaker to broadcast taunts
    Another psy ops plan from the U.S.-Israeli playbook. As was Abu Ghraib. Of course, it will be blamed on a couple lower ranking, enlisted "bad apples" and the investigation will stop there.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#37)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:12 PM EST
    We need to put some fear in the minds of these people. And the military should just say that to the people protesting...
    You play a dangerous game with yourself, Whizzy. You’ve been completely unable, in even the smallest way, in spite of all your endless repetition, to convince anyone here to subscribe to your ingrown, self-serving, black hearted worldview. You keep trying to deflect responsibility for what your mindset and the mindset that glorifies preemptive attack has spawned to those who oppose preemptive attacks, by claiming they extend the war that your kind started by protesting the idea of "preemption" in the first place. Whoever you sold your soul to got nothing but damaged goods when they bought it. They certainly didn’t get their money’s worth, you’ve produced zero results for their investment, and you know… I doubt very much that they like being cheated... look over your shoulder, man...one of these days they’ll be coming back to collect on the debt, Whizzy… And just like "Joey the loanshark" down at the local bar, they won't be taking "Give me a little more time" for an answer. So when you hear that low gravelly voice whispering from behind your ear "You f**ked up - You trusted us!"... or when you're driving down a street with no traffic on it and suddenly those headlights appear from nowhere in your rear view mirror... or when you hear that quiet knock on your door late at night... or when the envelope with no return address appears in your mailbox... or when a noise wakes you one night and you see a clawlike hand come from underneath your bed and reach for your heart... turn left, and run like hell! Run as fast as you can Whizzy.. run like your life depends on it... Count on it. It does. ----- Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." — Hermann Goering, Nazi leader, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.” — George W. Bush, May 24, 2005

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#38)
    by jimcee on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:12 PM EST
    So did they piss on them to make thier point? Should have. Islam is not offended by much if you consider thier media glee over the Berg beheading or thier anti-Gay agendas. I think the Western Media is more offended by these abuses than is 'Islam' per se. Hey I have no problem if the American Left sides with fascist dictators or theocractic states, whatever makes them happy, free country and all. It is amazing to see how much cheap, salon-faqir attitudes are driving the Left now. Burning bodies look bad on western TV but in Afghanistan it looks like authority. Overall things there are looking up.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#39)
    by jimcee on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:12 PM EST
    By the Bye, Could you people get anymore talking points? Geeze, where is an honest response that doesn't involve invective or condescencion?

    What I think is hysterical is that these morons had the chutzpah to IGNORE the embedded Aussie photog in their midst as they engaged in more war crimes. Hey, Billy Bob, wouldn't it be cool to descerate the dead AND FILM IT!!!??? Yeah, way cool. The level of arrogance (and ignorance) at work here is truly mind-blowing: Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges! That this incident happened at all is shameful; that it was recorded on film is evidence of something much worse - a hubristic cancer that is going to result in Americans being targeted WORLDWIDE for retaliation. Seriously folks, who in their right mind f*cks with the dead!!!!???? THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD!!!!!!!! Even that alleged "gutter religion", Islam, holds high the principle of respecting the dead. So, now, the U.S. has decided to be heralded to the world - by their own embeds fer chrissakes - as desecrators of the dead. Just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it!?

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#41)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:12 PM EST
    edgey - Gee, did you ever write for "Horror Comics?" I mean, hand from under the bed??? That is funny, edgey. Really, really funny. But whatever else, we can prove one thing. You, in anger, suggested that I shoot myself. So when you speak of souls, edgey, remember, we know you. We know where you go when you are angry. We know what you think should happen to people you disagree with. We have it in writing, edgey. Your writing, edgey. Remember, edgey, I am the guy in the back of the room grinning at your BS story. BTW, edgey - I'm not here to convince anyone. I just tell the truth. And edgey has problems with the truth, eh edgey??? PIL - My definition is correct. Ernie - How did Israel get included in this? jimcee - Very well said.

    Darkly - Somehow I don't think a quotation from the Christian bible will mean anything to these people.
    Nor would I expect it to. You are unusually dense today. FYI: I was referring to the souls of folks like you who are so scared of the Taliban, that you would trade in your humanity in the name of 'safety', especially when you would favor policies that would do credit to the Aztecs or a Ba'al worshiper, and certainly seems inconsistent with your past praise of the person I just quoted. Do you consider yourself a Christian in any sense of the word? And from a decidedly untheological POV:
    Returning to the question of being loved or feared, I sum up by saying, that since his being loved depends upon his subjects, while his being feared depends upon himself, a wise Prince should build on what is his own, and not on what rests with others. Only, as I have said, he must do his utmost to escape hatred.
    The Prince Chapter 17. Of Cruelty and Clemency. TTFN, Whizzy.

    "I loved to cut parts off of the dead, enemy dead that is",but i have cut no one up in many years! I see nothing wrong in cutting up your enmeies, oh yes how do you mistreat the rats in the terror world? See: Rome HBO, One line is by titus, he said, " I like to kill my enemy and take his gold and use his woman", now that is real Civilization. and be safe people! Rome is coming back soon!

    BB, you're absolutely right...and so, since they do this to Taliban dead, we won't hear any more belly-aching from the right about the "savage insurgents" and "brutal terrorists..." You're all in bed together now...have fun...and the next time you see an American hostage about to be put to the knife, have a smile and think, "Don't worry, brother, we'll do the same to them..." Funny how you guys on the right are always calling the enemy "coward" and "chickens." Uhmm, they're in the mountains fighting with sticks and stones...America's Armed Forces can't make their recruiting targets... Do you know what a chicken is, BB? It ain't the one cutting peoples' heads off with kitchen knives, in case you need a hint...I'd love to see you in their hands and guarantee you'd p!ss yourself before the knife was out...but then again, you know all about courage, don't you? What a beautiful mind BB possesses...

    BB: I am well aware of what these cowards were attempting to do. And it seems that you heartily approve! Seems like a perfectly Christian, American, and LEGAL thing to do, dontcha think? Tell me, BB, if the roles were reversed and the corpses of jarheads were being desecrated to flush out those in hiding (since we all know that Americans would never leave their own behind), so that more jarheads could be turned into corpses, would you still revel in your necrophilic impulses? I thought not, chickenhawk.

    You are even worse than I thought, BB, to be cheering such barbarism having served yourself...mark yourself a double-chicken...so you flew missions...too bad you weren't one of the American pilots shot down over Iraq the first time around...you'd then have seen what really happens to people when they're tortured. You want to take the humanity from people you don't like or agree with. Sure, a terrorist is a terrorist. And when you catch one, you put him in jail or you put him to death. That is civilized. Torturing and mulilating belong back in the Stone Ages, as do you. You are a disgrace to your nation with the words you write at this blog, BB. Decrying torture and mutilation does not mean one is supporting the enemy, but you obviously haven't evolved to a high enough form to see that... As for being a punk, buddy, my life experience with abuse and racism I would trade gladly for your "harrowing" war experiences...you don't have to have been shot to have been seriously injured, remember that... As for chickens, all of you 101st Fighting Keyboardists are that. Go re-up and help your buddies "take it to the enemy," BB, if you're so honorable. G.W.B. "served" too, so don't hold that up as such a badge of honor when your words shame every P.O.W. that ever was abused.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#51)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:13 PM EST
    BB, You were shot at? You flew a B-52 over Vietnam? How many B-52's were shot down? Where did you sleep at night, in a nice bed? What were you scared of against an enemy with no weapons that could hit you? First off- I dont believe you Second- you are a coward either way

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#52)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:13 PM EST
    A statement from the US Central Command which leads the US military operations in Afghanistan said "desecration, abuse or inappropriate treatment of enemy combatants" are never condoned and it violates the US policy and the Geneva Conventions governing the treatment of enemy remains in wartime. Why do the wrongwingers hate the US?

    True or not, funny thing isn't it, that BB's claim to fame is having taken part in one of Nixon's most disgusting acts of crimes against humanity...carpet-bombing civilians as they sleep and eat rice from wooden bowls...how nice...and from that to advocationg torturing and mutilating people... BB, you're solid gold...

    These guys claim to be on "the right side" even as "their side" says "we don't torture or mutilate, that's uncivilized..." How hard can you laugh before consulting a doctor?

    Here's something to cheer the trolls up...not exactly "torture," but you guys can work with this, right? Now, aren't you just Proud to be American? God Bless Us, Everyone...

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#56)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    Darkly writes:
    FYI: I was referring to the souls of folks like you who are so scared of the Taliban, that you would trade in your humanity in the name of 'safety', especially when you would favor policies that would do credit to the Aztecs or a Ba'al worshiper, and certainly seems inconsistent with your past praise of the person I just quoted.
    Hmmmm, well your rants become longer, but also less accurate. Why do you think I am "scared" of the Taliban. You and I both know that is not true, and you cannot prove it with a link. Now, what do people call someone who says something that the person making the statement knows is not true? Hmmmmmm? Perhaps we should devise a new name…let’s call it “a darkly.” You take refuge in the old leftie position that because I am willing to visit death and destruction on our enemies and that includes trying to induce fear in their minds that somehow this makes me “fearful.” That is psycho babble at its best. As for your sudden discovery of religion, my position is, “Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.” Or my special favorite, “The lord helps those who help themselves.” Darkly, the facts in this matter are simple. The terrorists don’t want to talk, they want to kill. They view any desire to retreat as a sign of weakness. As OBL himself said when Peter Arnett asked him if everything would be okay if the US Left the Arabian peninsula:
    “So, the driving-away jihad against the US does not stop with its withdrawal from the Arabian peninsula, but rather it must desist from aggressive intervention against Muslims in the whole world.”
    All the terrorist want is what they want, and that is the whole world. Wise up Darkly, you can’t deal with these people. BB – Nice run at’em, but you can’t get these folks to take any position that anything the US does, especially if Bush is involved, is wrong. That 99% of them know nothing about the military, etc., means nothing to them. Ignorance is bliss.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#57)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    Jim, It IS possible to kill people and NOT desecrate the bodies

    BB: So, only fighting in a war can introduce one to simple morality. Interesting. What makes you think I have NOT fought in a war, you little chickenhawk? Tell me, BB, what war(s) have you fought in. Oh, and just so you know, Armchair Chickenhawk and other such video games don't count. Only cowards desecrate the dead, no matter how you cut it, no matter who you are, American, Taliban or Al Qaeda. Fighting the dead would seem to be something up your alley - as the dead can't fight back. Say, go and prove me wrong and get your chickenhawk butt down to your local recruiters. They will give you all the reality you can take, and then some.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#60)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    Darkly writes:
    Because you're an arrogant bully, and it's been my experience that arrogant bullies are often cowards. Why should you be different?
    Again you have nothing of substance, so you just attack, attack. I have flipped back through the archives and there is a pattern there. As the thread winds down, you come in with an attack, making some snarky remark or another. Well Darkly, I'll just tell you again. You have no proof of any of this, you just desire to harass and insult. And that, is the trademark of a bully. And I'll just close that you are always writing about war, but you have no experience with the military. That places you at a huge disadvantage when it comes to understanding, yet you ramble on as if you were God's Gift to the military. Go read some more of Prince, or Sin Few, or whoever. I'll just have a laugh at your expense and maybe a glass of very good wine. TaTa, bully boy. Keep on telling those a darkly...

    PPJ: "How did Israel get involved?" The story has been out there since at least July, 2004.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#63)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    Ernesto, That's pretty thin, she met someone who said he was Israeli? You really need to do better

    Roger...do a google search on "John Israel". Note: you will never see this story pursued by the MSM.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#65)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    Darkly, If I started linking snarky remarks made by you I would overload the whole Internet. Get a life. Comment on the subject. Ernie - Just like we haven't heard anything about the OK suicide bomber, eh? Or the blackout on the word "Moslem" and the Beltway Snipers....

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#66)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    If I started linking snarky remarks made by you I would overload the whole Internet. Get a life. Comment on the subject.
    Uncontrollable grinning and giggling was not enough for you, Whizzy? You're starting to talk to yourself now, hmmmm? --- ...we know that wars can rage just as fiercely in our inner recesses. What Greenblatt describes as our "inward insurrection" can sometimes be little more than a low level skirmish, as when you lie down to sleep at night only to experience what my wife calls "whizzy brain," the inability to shake a common care or concern. I liken it to the inability to find the psyche's off switch; the tapes keep playing on a continuous loop. ---Of Mortal Ills Prevailing TTFN, Whizzy.

    edger, it's really funny for PPJ aka dim to talk to anyone about getting a life. The operative phrase here is "Physician, heal thy self."

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#68)
    by Edger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    DA: Do you think he misses his mind? Does he need to retain some small remnant of it, to be able to realize that the rest of it left some time ago? ;-)

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#69)
    by Sailor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    Where are you getting this "mis-information" from?
    From the prez:. March 4, 2005 More than three years after a pro-U.S. government was installed, Afghanistan has been unable to contain opium poppy production and is “on the verge of becoming a narcotics state,” according to a presidential report.
    Sat Oct 1,10:18 AM ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush sought on Saturday to dispel concerns about the readiness of U.S.-trained Iraqi security forces, declaring himself "encouraged" even though his top generals say the number of battalions that can fight insurgents without help has dropped.

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#70)
    by roger on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    Edger, Then why dont I hear you complaining about S African war criminals working for Blackwater?

    Re: American Forces Accused of Mistreating Taliban (none / 0) (#71)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:16 PM EST
    Sailor-just for the record....Bush stated that the readiness of U.S.-trained Iraqi security forces had increased to 100 Battalions. The number Gen. George Casey confirmed had decreased from 3 to 1. Has Bush turned neocon as lying is part of their "Strategic Deception" policy, or is he just an talented natural?

    Roger.... How many B-52's were shot down? I don't have a 'final' number.... but it was quite a few. What were you scared of against an enemy with no weapons that could hit you? Roger...your ignorance is showing... (once again) Hanoi was the most heavily defended city on the planet earth at the time. You need to do more reading. But that's ok... you (like the rest of you lefty loonies) just go right on believing whatever you need to that allows you to prop up your position... never mind the facts. It's the downright disrespect you all show for the military (easy to do from your 'warm bed' aye Rog?) that will continue to lose elections and any respect from the other side. People like me... make it possible for people like you to spout the BS you do.. Spout on dude...and keep on calling me the coward when we all know it's you.

    Laughing jackass... carpet-bombing civilians as they sleep and eat rice from wooden bowls... More propoganda BS that NEVER happened. I was only there...what do I know...right? YOu guys amaze me... how can you hate your own people (military) so much.. you are all traitors to your country! LAvocat.... Tell me, BB, what war(s) have you fought in. I already went over this... do you bother reading any posts before you start your bable back? I did 2 tours in Viet Nam... And you Lavocat? go and prove me wrong and get your chickenhawk butt down to your local recruiters Sorry...already did my time in the military.. too old now And you Lavocat? Dark A... I just bring common sense and the facts to the table. LMAO on that one. The fact that you don't see the Taliban/Al Quida as wanting to dominate the world, after having said so numerous times (It's a matter of record for Christ's sake), makes your statements above fall waaay short of common sense!

    Hanoi was the most heavily defended city on the planet earth at the time
    Really? I'm amazed that Vietnam was able to support three fully equipped soviet-model (Derzhenzky, Red Army Ceremonial, and an MVD) armored divisons in the city proper, let alone an entire Air-Defense Force District (comparable to a full army group) and a 64 launcher ABM system. Oh wait. That was Moscow. Not Hanoi. (Source-Viktor Suvurov's Inside the Soviet Army). North Vietnam had one of the highest concentrations of air defense in the world at that time. That does not make Hanoi the most "heavily" defended city on earth, by any means. If your going to berate other people for their facts, get yours straight. I'm pretty sure Bejing's defenses were comparable, considering this was during the height of Mao's paranoia.

    Adept A... North Vietnam had one of the highest concentrations of air defense in the world at that time. Isn't that what I said? If you agree with the statement you cited... wouldn't it make sense that they would put most of that firepower over their main city? According to the USAF... Hanoi had more missle batteries around it than any other city. If your going to berate other people for their facts, get yours straight. LoL... Roger wasn't putting up any facts to berate. Go back & read it.. If you're going to berate me...get your facts straight! He was implying that the poor Vietnamese had NO way of shooting us down. He was wrong...as you are! ..... I'm amazed that Vietnam was able to support three fully equipped soviet-model .. The russians supplied them with what they needed... misssles...aircraft...whatever. Try reading sometime!