
Plame Grand Jury Met With Prosecutors Today

Reuters reports two of Fitzgerald's lead prosecutors, lugging giant legal briefcases, met with the grand jury today.

The grand jury, which expires on October 28, convened on Friday with two of the lead prosecutors present, but it was unclear what issues they were working on since the panel appears to have completed hearing from witnesses....One of the lawyers said prosecutors were likely starting to present their final case to jurors, either for bringing indictments or to explain why there was insufficient evidence to do so.

This should not be unclear at all. The prosecutors draft up the charges they want the grand jury to indict on, there will be discussions and questions and then the grand jury will vote on each charge presented to them.

NBC's David Shuster put it this way on Hardball (Oct. 18):

When a U.S. attorney like Patrick Fitzgerald is ready to indict, the prosecutor will head to the grand jury with the charges, review the evidence with the panel and then explain the relevant laws and statutes.

After a discussion, the prosecutor will ask the grand jury through a simple vote to indict. At the D.C. federal courthouse, if the panel agrees with the prosecutor -- and they usually do -- the panel will move from the third floor grand jury room to a magistrate`s courtroom on the first floor. There, in public, the indictment charges will be read and then filed with the clerk.

I disagree with those who say Fitzgerald has broadened his investigation to include whether the Administration lied about WMD in taking us to war.

It's far more likely he wanted the proof of when the Administration learned of the forgeries regarding the Niger-uranium claim to show that the plan to discredit Joseph Wilson started much earlier. As I traced in this timeline here, it in was March, 2003, after Wilson's appearance on CNN, not June or July, 2003, that the plan to put a dossier together on Wilson started.

Someone big in this investigation is cooperating. I still say it's Karl Rove.

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  • Re: Plame Grand Jury Met With Prosecutors Today (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:15 PM EST
    There are other interesting pieces falling into the mix too. As the investigation has expanded on new developments presented, SP Fitzgerald has reportedly requested and received documents of the Italian oversight report concerning the forgeries. It appears he has asked to share them with Paul McNulty, Fed Prosecuter who is heading the AIPAC investigation. It was also announced that Mr McNulty is the new pick for the spot vacated by Mr Comey and declined by Mr Flanigan(due to his ties to Jack Abramoff.) This sure seems like a dangerous choice for an appointment, judging by this administration's past record. Prosecutor Nominated As Justice No. 2

    Re: Plame Grand Jury Met With Prosecutors Today (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:16 PM EST
    HuffPo has a great link to This Story

    I especially loved this part

    "Rove has been labeled "Bush's brain" by administration foes and the "architect" of Bush's rise to power by the president's backers. He is considered a White House adviser without peer. Conservative activist Grover Norquist finds it hard to imagine one person handling Rove's job.

    "Karl is sufficiently sui generis (unique), it would take two or three different people to replace him," Norquist said.

    John Lennon was irreplaceable. Karl Rove is just another friggin' Crimalitical (Criminal + Political)  sociopath hack who would pimp his grandmother if it meant staying in power.

    That being said, I do have an idea of the triple threat that would equal Rove. check HERE for a fine list of candidates! and HERE for a laugh