
Catfight: Judith Miller and Bill Keller

Via Raw Story, the Sunday New York Times has Judith Miller's response to Bill Keller's e-mail.

Ms. Miller said in an interview that Mr. Keller's statements were "seriously inaccurate." She also provided The Times with a copy of a memorandum she had sent to Mr. Keller in response. "I certainly never meant to mislead Phil, nor did I mislead him," she wrote to Mr. Keller, referring to Mr. Taubman.

...She added, "As for your reference to my 'entanglement' with Mr. Libby, I had no personal, social, or other relationship with him except as a source."

I think the Times should publish Ms. Miller's entire response to Keller, rather than just a few sentences. Perhaps someone else will.

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    Re: Catfight: Judith Miller and Bill Keller (none / 0) (#1)
    by squeaky on Sat Dec 17, 2005 at 01:05:16 PM EST
    Miller has a bad case of Kooties and no one wants to catch them from her.
    I think the Times should publish Ms. Miller's entire response to Keller
    She may not have any friends left except Sulzberger. Funny if he would step up to her defense now. They can both sail off into the sunset together, maybe start another paper.
    Perhaps someone else will.