
2005 In Review: The Bad and the Ugly

Huffington Post bloggers have their end of year blog posts up. Mine is a top ten list of the Villains of 2005. You can add your own in the comments.

Arianna has some resolutions she'd like George Bush to make:

  • "Next time the mother of a slain soldier camps out in a ditch outside my ranch, I'll meet with her right away";
  • "Next time a Cat 5 storm destroys a major American city, and my point man is more worried about the way his clothes look than helping the victims, I won't say he's doing a 'heck of a job'"; and
  • "No more equating loyalty with competence. Sorry, Harriet."

Nora Ephron has a one line resolution for the President, and yes, it's funny.

Bill Maher writes his thoughts on 2005.

Maybe next election, people will start to think, who gives a damn if I want to have a beer with this guy?

Predictions? Bob Cesca has very funny ones, that leave you wondering if maybe they could happen. That's a scary thought, here are just two:

  • "PRESIDENT CLINTON will be arrested, tried, and convicted on charges that Bush wiretapped American citizens without warrants."
  • "THE 2006 MIDTERMS will be cancelled by the president, claiming that a possible Democratic majority in Congress would jeopardize national security by diminishing his authority; and that a change in government here would damage the Iraqi democratic process."

Alec Baldwin predicts a Cheney, not Bush, impeachment before 2008.

There's plenty more, so head on over and read a few.

HuffPo, in my opinion, is the blogging success story of the year. Every blogger I read stops there multiple times a day. Arianna put her heart and soul, as well as her vision into the site and it paid off big time. Congratulations, Arianna, and thanks for inviting us non-celeb bloggers to join in the fun.

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