
We Are The Body Politic

Susie at Suburban Guerrilla -- using three of my all-time favorite tunes, particularly Volunteers.

A hundred thousand dead in Iraq. A little girl, drenched in her family's blood and screaming into the night. Naked men made to crawl like dogs, forced to listen to the cries of their wives and sisters being raped in the next cell. Icebergs melting, workers sickened and dying of poison at their jobs, bodies of the elderly floating in the chemical soup that used to be New Orleans and one f**king lie after another.

These greedy b**tards. These immoral motherf**kers.

If you're not outraged, there's something wrong with you. And if you're outraged, you need to do something. It's a moral f**king imperative.

We are the body politic.

Start small, but goddamnit, start! Turn your friends on to blogs, or write one yourself. Don't back down when a wingnut makes a public assertion in line at the supermarket: challenge their immoral insanity. Write letters to the editor, call talk radio, sign petitions. Become an advocate and pay your dues in the fight against the forces of global destruction. There are many wonderful groups that offer political training, and it's cheap. (My best friend is off at a Democracy for America training this very weekend.) Affiliate with likeminded citizens, because there's more power in the network than there is in one lonely individual. Go to your local Drinking Liberally, or start one yourself. Join hands - and join forces.

Thanks, Susie. I needed that. As one of your commenters says, "Crank up the volume."

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    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#1)
    by Edger on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 07:27:24 AM EST
    A hundred thousand dead in Iraq. Repeat after me: They have freedom and democracy now. But, hey... It's war. Sh*t happens, they'll thank us later, right? A little girl, drenched in her family's blood and screaming into the night. Repeat after me: She'll thank us when she's old enough to realize that they were suspected insurgents, right? Naked men made to crawl like dogs, forced to listen to the cries of their wives and sisters being raped in the next cell. Repeat after me: We do not torture. We do not torture. We do not torture... Of course they're guilty or they wouldn't be in that prison, right? Icebergs melting, Complain, complain, complain. Do you have anything to contribute here, or just more complaining? Repeat after me: Your heat bill will be lower evey year from now on. F**k Kyoto, and praise be to uncle george, right? workers sickened and dying of poison at their jobs, Repeat after me: Dummies... if they're going to keep smoking, what do they expect, right? bodies of the elderly floating in the chemical soup that used to be New Orleans Repeat after me: All the fault of the mayor and the governor. The feds did their godd*mndest to save them. Heck of a job, Brownie... right? and one f**king lie after another. You expected perfection? Will you lefties never learn? Be reasonable. Repeat after me: Maybe one or two minor mis-stated facts, right? link deleted

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#2)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 08:58:28 AM EST
    edger - Yes, we are the citizens. And the "citizens" voted in the present administraton. Twice. It will be gone in 1/09. Whether or not it will be replaced with another Repub administration no one knows. But the issues you raise will not help you win. The images you paint are vivid. Will the little girl forgive us? No. But the facts are the ME, driven by Islamic radicals and hatred between sects, has been a terrible place for years, perhaps centuries. Didn't Iran attack Iraq a few years ago? And wasn't the war in Afghanistan, after the Soviets were expelled, between Moslems? Didn't Iraq attack Kuwait? Now for years and years the Left has attacked the Right for the Right's short term goals of supporting whatever government that was in power that supported the US and rejected whatever brand of guerrillas that was attacking. The cry was always, democracy. Power to the people. Now we have a President whose state goal is to bring democracy, and to change regimes who are not democratic. And you complain. Why? Whether or not Saddam had WMD's, we know he was a killer and that the world is a better place with him gone. He is gone, but his supporters, aided by Isolamic radicals and terrorists have launched terrorist attacks, primarily using car bombs. Said attacks are meant to reseize control. Was the little girl's family killed by US forces or car bombers? Does it make a difference? Yes. Because a democratic Iraq will be a better place for everyone. Yes. Because an Iraq with Baathist party back in charge will be a contry in chaos, and one in which thousands will be killed. Change comes. The issue is to manage it for the betterment of the world.

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#3)
    by Che's Lounge on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 10:28:41 AM EST
    Jim, The neocons are giving it up. Why don't you.

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 10:46:16 AM EST
    I was one of those who wanted the U.S. troops out of Vietnam because it was a civil war and we had no business being there. We lost 58,000 men and for what? Who cares about the millions who died in Cambodia as long as we aren't involved. Who cares about the millions of Vietnamese who died? Who cares? Personally, I'm glad we stayed out of Rwanda. It's not our war. 800,000 dead. Better them than Haliburton making a few dollars. Kosovo and Bosnia? How many died while we played with ourselves? I don't care. We shouldn't have sacrificed one life so we could establish a presence in the Balkans (we are still there). Who cares? I don't even care about Somalia or Darfur? Can't stand the military making a dollar, or the greedy bastards at Haliburton and Dick Cheney and his minions. It's all about greedy bastards. I would rather sit back and watch the world kill themselves than sacrifice one American. Screw them all. They aren't worth s**t. Hell, the rest of the world doesn't care why should we? What's really important isn't trying something to stop any of this, but saving our money from going to Haliburton and putting it prison rehabilitation programs. No more torture deaths of 20 men when we can watch countries kill themselves. Hell, we should have stayed out of WWII also. It had nothing to do with us (the European part). Screw them. We could have had universal health care if not for the lend/lease program. Screw them all. I want legalized pot, more prisoner rights, and the right to be spied on only with a warrant that's too easy to obtain. Who cares about the USS Cole, Black Hawk Down, the Kobhar Towers, the Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, the 1st World Trade Center Bombing? So a few thousand Americans died, is that really worth Haliburton making some money? Hell, those things were going on before Cheney was in office and Bush stole the election. Who cares? You know who cares? The people who are voting against there own interests (debt, education reform, civil rights reform, abortion rights, tax policy that favors the wealthy, etc...) because they have an instinct that the progressives hate Bush and Co. more than they hate people who will kill because of a cartoon.

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#5)
    by squeaky on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 11:15:16 AM EST
    boccajeff-When the smoke clears from your field of vision you may notice that the body cannot function without its parts. As the old song goes: the knee bons is connected to the leg bone, the leg bone is connected to the hip bone.... I understand that you do not care. If that is truly the case go back to sleep. We wil wake you when it is all over. That is if anyone is left to wake you.

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#6)
    by jimakaPPJ on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 04:41:34 PM EST
    Che - Since I am not a neocon, why would think I care what they say or do? boccajeff - We could walk away from Vietnam because the world was still a very large place. Thirty plus years later, it is a very, very small place. And while I share many of your wants and concerns, I recognize that you can't go back.

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#7)
    by Sailor on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 05:23:59 PM EST
    actually, the size of the world hasn't shrunk, just the minds running it.

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#8)
    by glanton on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 05:34:27 PM EST
    because they have an instinct that the progressives hate Bush and Co. more than they hate people who will kill because of a cartoon.
    boccajeff and the voters he defends set a high bar indeed. Hey, at least those hicks in South Dakota don't saw off heads! At least they don't riot over WaPost cartoons! At least the Pharmaceutical Companies don't deny the Hollocaust and proclaim death to Israel! Stay alert, and stay with Fox.

    Re: We Are The Body Politic (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Feb 26, 2006 at 09:17:30 PM EST
    Wow. Does that mean since we're not pompous, self-important and ill-informed, we don't have to care what some self-appointed klueless kounterfeits think?