
Dubai Port Compromise a Sham

Think Progress explains why the compromise over the Dubai Port deal is a sham.

The deal is political, not substantive. It's designed take some heat off the White House, not protect the security of the United States.

I think the compromise a delay tactic. Does anyone expect a real investigation by the Treasury Department, another agency in the executive branch of government? I don't. As for none being needed, check out Steve Soto's post at Left Coaster on why the UAE should not be trusted with our security.

...just last year in front of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, in which our own Chief of Staff to the US Mission to the United Nations, told Congress that the UAE was participating in the ferrying of prohibited goods to and from Saddam Hussein in violation of the UN sanctions.

See page 4 of the hearing transcript.

A second example to which I would draw your attention involved the use of ferries traveling from the United Arab Emirates to and from Iraq, ostensibly authorized only to transport passengers and their immediate possessions, not commercial goods. In a series of 661 Committee meetings, we and the British repeatedly objected to giving permission to the governments of Bahrain, Oman and Qatar to initiate their own ferry service to Iraq unless and until the illegal practices of the ferries operating from the UAE first were stopped.

We specifically took such action because several successive briefings to Committee members by the Commander of the Multinational Maritime Interception Force (MIF), operating in the Persian Gulf, confirmed with photographic evidence that commercial goods and supplies were being loaded onto ferries in the UAE in direct violation of previously agreed Committee rules governing ferry service. Other 661 Committee members severely criticized us and the British for linking our decision to block Committee approval of ferry service from other Gulf states to the ongoing problems associated with ferry service from the UAE to Iraq. However, we maintained our opposition to new ferry service and requested that steps be taken to compel the government of the UAE to exercise greater control over ferries departing from its ports to Iraq. [my emphasis]

Bahrain, Oman and Qatar. Yet, Sen. John Warner said on Meet the Press yesterday:

We as the United States are dependent on countries like the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, all of them there, to give us the support to fight this war on terrorism. We cannot mess this deal up.

[Arianna skewers the Meet the Press show here and a roundup of HuffPo bloggers on the Ports deal is here.]

Also, last week Hillary said she would introduce legislation to block foreign-owned corporations from managing our ports. Today, the legislation she and Schumer are introducing is a bit different:

Schumer and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., said they still planned to introduce legislation today that would force the administration to share its findings with Congress and give lawmakers authority to reject the sale.

Update: Via Georgia 10 at Daily Kos, Sen. Clinton did introduce a bill today to prevent foreign owned corporations from controlling our ports.

[Graphic created exclusively for TalkLeft by CL.]

Update: TalkLeft reader JLynch submitted the following:

The brouhaha over our ports has raised an issue that proponents of our failed, deficit-laden, globalization schemes have tried to hide from the American public for years. If we physically inspect each of the over nine million 40×8x8 foot containers that enter our ports annually (instead of 'pencil whipping' them) globalization slows to a crawl. When a lone terrorist can raise havoc in a city with a Coke can full of anthrax, it's exactly what should be done.

It only takes one container to conceal weapons that could wipe out an entire city. In a post 9/11 world, countries should be as self sufficient as possible and not trade with those they cannot trust---survival has to take precedence over commerce. The next Trojan horse could be an eighteen wheeler with a load of 40×8x8 foot containers (picked up at a port) heading for your city. As one sage said, `Patriots place country before commerce--traitors place commerce before country.'

I don't think physical inspection of every container is possible, but it is troubling to learn that the technological tools available, like gamma-ray scanners and radiation detector, are not sufficient.

But those anti-terrorism measures still fall far short of what is needed to ensure security, U.S. government auditors and maritime experts say. The scanning devices, for example, can check only a small fraction of the millions of containers that flow through here every year. The radiation detectors most likely would not pick up the key radioactive ingredient in a nuclear bomb, even if it were just modestly shielded. And the system that selects containers for inspection often relies upon incomplete data.

In short, even at this model port, the security set up in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, largely at the request of the U.S. government, is far from enough to address the vulnerabilities that make ports such attractive targets.

...."Port security today is still a house of cards," said Stephen Flynn, a retired Coast Guard commander. "For each of these programs, the bar is not very high and there is very little in the way of verification."

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  • Re: Dubai Port Compromise a Sham (none / 0) (#1)
    by Peaches on Mon Feb 27, 2006 at 12:28:01 PM EST
    In this age of global markets and international corporations, this deal has to be approved. If national security depends on us blocking large conglomorates from the ME from purchasing deals such as this one allowing the management of our ports, it is more evidence that our priorities in this so-called war on terror are all screwed up. If OBL or Al Quaeda have access to UAE or Dubai Ports World, and thus can attack us through our ports, then we need to do something about it, but cancelling this deal is not it. For one, we still need to catch or kill OBL. For another, the War on Iraq has taken resources away from Al Quaeda cell groups and other terrorist groups according to many experts. Finally, it doesn't matter who controls the ports the ultimate responsibility for security falls under Homeland security and the Coast gaurd, but again, the War in Iraq has taken resources away from these priorities.

    Re: Dubai Port Compromise a Sham (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 27, 2006 at 12:35:39 PM EST
    Any chance of an arab dude this close of an examination as he walks through a US airport?

    Re: Dubai Port Compromise a Sham (none / 0) (#3)
    by squeaky on Mon Feb 27, 2006 at 12:44:23 PM EST
    It is clear that the WH is securing their 'retirement' plans in the richest counrty in the world. What gazillionaire would want Dubai to have them on their bad side. All in the wake of the US-UAE free trade agreement. The negotiations are scheduled to resume in March could be seen as the invisible the 600lb gorilla attached to the port deal.
    The United States enjoyed a $7 billion trade surplus with the UAE last year, helped by $2.1 billion in civilian aircraft sales to the Gulf state.

    Re: Dubai Port Compromise a Sham (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 07, 2006 at 10:42:17 AM EST
    Kdog, I don't understand something. Isn't Globalization and the reduction of U.S. sovereignty and security (military), exactly what the progressives, Nudows and Feisteins been militantly fighting for all these years? BTW, if Nudow continues living, you probably will only have to worry about the dollar bill saying, "Made in China", without the God part. Of course with all the hard work Carter and Clinton put into developing our close ties with China, our money may very well eventually be made in China. Thanks, RTEIH

    Re: Dubai Port Compromise a Sham (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Tue Mar 07, 2006 at 01:22:12 PM EST
    Nice try, repo man. Shrub's run up more debt than all other previous Presidents in history combined. It's not even close. That's a little something those of us in the REALITY-BASED COMMUNITY call a fact. You can look it up. Now, do you know who holds most of that debt? That's right. Now, who's sellin' out to COMMUNIST RED CHINA? That's the republican party. Weak on National Security. Weak on Foreign Policy. Weak on Domestic Policy. Weak on the Economy. Weak on the Environment. Weak on Education. Weak on Education. Weak on Crime and Punishment. Weak on Health and Safety. Weak on Consumer Protection. Weak on Transportation and Infrastructure. Weak.