
Andrea Yates Turns Down 35 Year Plea Deal

Andrea Yates will be retried March 10 for the drowning deaths of her five children. Her lawyer said today she turned down a 35 year plea offer. She is now on bond and residing at a mental hospital.

As I opined here, she should be found not guilty by reason of insanity. As one doctor put it:

If Andrea Yates had been in any state other than Texas, she would have been found insane," said Dr. Robert Miller, [a forensic psychiatrist and the former chief of psychiatry for the state Department of Corrections] who is now a professor at the University of Colorado medical school and treats patients at Pueblo.

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    Re: Andrea Yates Turns Down 35 Year Plea Deal (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Feb 27, 2006 at 04:45:01 PM EST
    "Bt reason of Insanity" is the lamest excuse I can think of, and it's one of the reasons so many people don't like lawyers. I don't care why she killed her kids - in fact, it's impossible to really know why. All we can judge are her acts. Granting her (or anyone) the excuse of insanity is useless. It attempts to read the suspect's mind.
