
Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immigration Bill

A whopping 300,000 to 500,000 persons took to the streets in Chicago Friday to protest the anti-immigrant border patrol bill pending in Congress (H.R. 4437). It's great to see that so many haven't forgotten that America is a nation of immigrants.

For once, state and local officials took a stand for the immigrants:

"Whether their names are Gutierrez or Lozano, Lipinski or Blagojevich; it doesn't matter," said Gov. Rod Blagojevich. "This is a country build by immigrants."

Mayor Richard M. Daley said: "This is a fight that includes every American. Those who are here undocumented, we're not going to make criminals out of them. That is not what America has ever stood for and will not stand for."

U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez told the crowd that immigrants are here to stay, and pledged to work to block the bill.

I just wish someone had worn a sign saying, "Tom Tancredo, go home."

There's still time to stop Congressman Sensenbrenner's doozy of an immigration bill.

The new immigration bill is not a done deal. The U.S. Senate appears likely to pass much more moderate legislation, without the criminal sanctions and with a path to citizenship for those here illegally.

H.R. 4437 passed the House by a vote of 239 to 182 on Dec. 16. On January, 27, it was forwarded to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Details on H.R. 4437, The Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, are here. The ACLU's synopsis is here.

Also check out the NIRR's statement on what should be included in a legalization bill.

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  • Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#1)
    by roxtar on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 12:49:50 AM EST
    Just a casual blogwhore if I may. As the scion of Irish immigrants, I'm observing St. Patrick's Day by reprinting a letter from 1863, in which my great-great-great grandfather advises my ggg-grandmother on making the trip from Clonmel, County Tipperary, to Wheeling WV. It salutes the courage and determination of all the immigrants who built this country. The very same letter could have been written in Spanish or Polish or Vietnamese. How quickly we forget that we sprang from those "huddled masses, yearning to breathe free."

    I hate to spoil your party, but a lot of Hispanics support President Bush and this Bill... How's Denver btw ahh yes my Denver...

    Don't worry. Monsanto will kill the Bill.

    If Congressman Lipinski did show up that's highly ironic since he voted for the bill everyone's protesting about. Lipinski's in a highly contest race in Chicago by the way. He got the seat handed to him on a silver platter after a series of schnanigans from his father and has conducted himself as anything but a democrat ever since. His opponent is John Sullivan and you can learn more about him at SullivanForIllinois.com...

    Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#5)
    by jen on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 07:29:34 AM EST
    amios, are you implying hispanics are a monolithic bloc?

    Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#6)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 07:35:49 AM EST
    Bills like this are a natural extension of the tiny ingrown minds who figure that to for them to 'win' someone else has to 'lose'; whose knee jerk twitchings say 'I got mine,screw everyone else'.

    "It's great to see that so many haven't forgotten that America is a nation of immigrants." TL is again baffled by the "illegal" part of "Illegal immigrant". I have no issue whatsoever with immigration - even large amounts of it. What I have an issue with is uncontrolled borders, where we have no idea who is coming over .

    Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#8)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 08:07:12 AM EST
    What I have an issue with is uncontrolled borders, where we have no idea who is coming over. It really is a serious problem, JR. I mean christ, they even let my and your ancestors in!

    It really is a serious problem, JR. I mean christ, they even let my and your ancestors in!
    So your ancestors arrived legally like mine! Super! A bit of a difference between being here legally and illegally. TL seems to forget that point.

    Tancredo and Sensenbrenner should start a third political party and call it the "Vamoose Party."

    Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#11)
    by Edger on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 10:20:08 AM EST
    Wile E. Coyote: So your ancestors arrived legally like mine! Super! I have no idea whether they arrived legally or illegally, Wile. I never asked them. But they got here, walked a hundred miles into the woods, picked a spot they liked, built a shelter in a riverbank, rode out the winter there, and in the spring walked back that hundred miles to get some horses, led the horses back that same hundred miles, then built the farm where my father was born. They didn't come here to support laws that would have blocked or made it more difficult for them to get here or criminalized anyone else for coming here. I know this because I was quite close to my grandfather. I doubt that your ancestors would have supported anything that would have blocked or made it more difficult for them to get here or criminalized anyone else for coming here, either. Then again I never knew them. Anything is possible, and someone appears to have taught you that that's the way to go. Good thing you didn't get here before your ancestors, or you wouldn't really be here.

    Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#12)
    by BigTex on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 10:30:20 AM EST
    It really is a serious problem, JR.
    You are right, it is a problem. The labor area is one area where where illegal immigration is causing a problem in the country. In the labor area two distinct problems happen, first is the whole new age indentured servant market that has appeared. The runners will promise the illegals jobs for a price, but then pay them so little that they are unable to pay off their debt. To perpuaite the problem they charge exorbinant amounts for necessities, and use fear tactics to keep the illegals from reporting the illegal treatment they are receiving. Not just you will be deported if you flee, but we know where you are sending the money back and can strike at your family back home fear tactics. This makes the illegal an indentured servant. The second factor is the jobs. Contrary to the popular belief here, they don't just do jobs that citizens won't do. I see this on a regular basis with hurricane repairs back home. Groups of local residents are trying to get together to make small businesses to do repairs, but they are competing against illegal labor which doesn't pay minimum wage. As a result they are undercut in pricing, and the companies that have imported in their illegal labor are getting the business. This isn't a case where Americans aren't willing to do the work, it's a case where they can't compete. This means that the money needed for economic recovery isn't perculating around the area. It is being wired overseas. That's slowing the economic recovery of the area. If we were talking about a fair playing field then the ones supporting illegal immigration would have better points, at least you could make an economic argument that this is good for us all. However, that's not the case. As of now, it is a case where illegals are taking jobs that would otherwise go to citizens, often at a cash under the table setup, so taxes aren't being paid, and the money leaves the country. All in the face of citizens wanting to do the jobs, who would pay taxes on the money, and then spend the money in the local economy. Anyone who thinks that the illegals are only doing work that we won't do needs to lay off the kool-aid.

    All this reminds me that it's always been this way to one degree or another. People makin' big deals over whether or not their ancestors came over on the Mayflower and the like. SFW! Some of those people were pretty slimy. My mother actually got into it. Traced it back and said that she qualified for the DAR and I qualified as an SAR. Who cares! The Daughters of the 3-Day Pass. Like anyone has any control of that. It's all in the "Gangs of New York." The New York Draft Riots of July 1863. It was right after Gettyburg. The Feds were signing up the Irish and the Germans for the Blue Coats before they'd even cleared the gangplank and set foot on the dock let alone touched American soil. This bred immediate bitterness and resentment-particularly among the Irish-towards the Colored who weren't allowed to fight for themselves at that time. They didn't appreciate being taken away from their families to fight and die for someone else's freedom. Particularly, someone who was considered worth more than they were. The Nativist Know-Nothings hated all immigrants. They were constantly warring with the Irish amongst others. This was the time of Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed. The rich could buy their way out of the draft for 300 dollars.(the more things change)and they did, as Tweed was skillful at playing the different factions off of and against each other. "You can always hire one half of the poor to kill the other half," he said.

    As of now, it is a case where illegals are taking jobs that would otherwise go to citizens, often at a cash under the table setup, so taxes aren't being paid, and the money leaves the country. All in the face of citizens wanting to do the jobs, who would pay taxes on the money, and then spend the money in the local economy.
    Anyone who thinks that the illegals are only doing work that we won't do needs to lay off the kool-aid.
    Well, if you're really serious about fixing that situation, tex, ya better vote Democratic, because you've gotta go after the bums that do the hirin', not the illegals. They're the ones keepin' wages down. They're the ones takin' jobs away.

    Posted by amios March 12, 2006 05:00 AM
    I hate to spoil your party, but a lot of Hispanics support President Bush and this Bill... How's Denver btw ahh yes my Denver...
    Ya mean like the majority? That's what I thought. How do ya like the party?

    Jen, all I am saying is Hispanics don't grovel for a bitter man's or woman's pity.

    TL wants U.S. citizens to "go home", but illegal aliens who have no allegiance to this country to stay? I'm not surprised. I note also that Blago is supporting illegal activity in an apparent attempt to get votes. In other words, he's corrupt. Gutierrez is also corrupt, with the added component of clearly putting his race before his country. As the scion of Irish immigrants One of those involved in the march was the "Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform", which is funded by the Irish government. I can see two schools of thought on that: - many "liberals" would say that's OK - patriotic Americans - Irish-American or not - would consider that an attempt by a foreign government to meddle in our laws and would strongly oppose them My coverage of the parade is here.

    BigTex: It's a fact that the US will have major shortage of labor within the next 50 years because the baby-boom babies all grew up and they didn't create another baby-boom generation. That is, our parents didn't have any many kids as our grandparents did, so, our kids' generation is going to face a major shortage of labor in every sector of the economy. This is true not only in low-wage jobs but at the professional levels too. The Government and social scientists know that as *facts* and not as political tweeking. It's in every labor/employment textbooks out there. How are we going to fill like tens of millions of shortage of jobs over the next 30-50 years? We're going to be forced to hire immigrants as the only possible solution. As for your point that illegal immigrants push down wages: I think it goes back to the age-old "green" problem. If employers can hire help for lower wages, they will, regardless whether it's destroying living wage or not. Employee who are desperate to work will take crumb-wage thrown at them. And it doesn't mean that this is happening b/c there are lack of jobs but b/c the employers are pitting the workers against each other for their own benefits. The only people who are losing out are the workers. I can see this squabble over jobs happening while there are shortage of labor 30 years from now. We have to realize that there is a shortage of labor now and even more in the future. It doesn't make sense to fight over little peanuts when workers deserve even higher wages, esp in the future. And yet, we need illegal immigrants to stay here b/c there's a shortage of labor as it is. My proposal? Regulate the labor market by legalizing immigration and force employers to pay fair wages to all, as they should. Increased immigration is inevitable in the future. Let the Govt step in and regulate the labor market. Bush wanted to legalize illegal immigrants to like 3 million Mexicans who are in the US right before 9/11. I think this makes more sense to me now than ever before...this is what I think, at least.

    Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#19)
    by BigTex on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 02:59:03 PM EST
    How are we going to fill like tens of millions of shortage of jobs over the next 30-50 years? We're going to be forced to hire immigrants as the only possible solution.
    I've got nothing against hiring legal immigrants. The problem is with the illegal immigrants. Remove the ilelgal status and then the workers can file a complaint if they aren't getting paid minimum wage, and wages go up. It's better than outsourcing the jobs overseas. However, don't reward the current illegal aliens by allowing them to suddenly become legal. Make them go back to their home country and go through the process of legally immigrating here. Nice name BTW, great show. Too bad TV land doesn't pick it up. Charlie
    Well, if you're really serious about fixing that situation, tex, ya better vote Democratic, because you've gotta go after the bums that do the hirin', not the illegals. They're the ones keepin' wages down. They're the ones takin' jobs away.
    I agree with the back half, the bums who hire need to be prosecuted. Deter them from dieing illegal aliens and wages will go up. However, voting democrat will not achieve that. Democrats do favor raising minimum wage, but they won't go after the illegal aliens, which in turn keeps wages down because of the cheap illegal supply. More specifically, the local DA offices around here are all held by democrats. They could go after the illegal labor (and price gouging that is going on) but they choose not to. The better chance for changing the system is to work within the GOP and start changing the viewpoint internally.

    More specifically, the local DA offices around here are all held by democrats. They could go after the illegal labor (and price gouging that is going on) but they choose not to. The better chance for changing the system is to work within the GOP and start changing the viewpoint internally. Nice try, tex. And the bosses who do the hiring are all republicans. If they don't hire them, they don't have jobs. If they don't have jobs, why stay? If they don't have job prospects, why come in the first place?

    Re: Massive Protest in Chicago Against Anti-Immig (none / 0) (#21)
    by BigTex on Sun Mar 12, 2006 at 11:07:53 PM EST
    And the bosses who do the hiring are all republicans. If they don't hire them, they don't have jobs. If they don't have jobs, why stay? If they don't have job prospects, why come in the first place?
    No argument here that both sides need to be addressed Charley. However, you are making my point more clearly than I did. With the activity going on, it's even more important for the DA office to vigorsly enforce existing law. Each dollar that goes overseas doesn't get respent in our local economy to help recover after the hurricane (note, I'm back in my home town right now, not in Houston). The economy is still hurting around here. Any money that departs the area is a big hinderence to the recovery. Not only would keeping the business and resulting wages local help with recovery, but the fines that could be assessed would help get the government budgets back to something that resembled pre-hurricane finincial health. You are absloutly right in that the employers should be punished, and punished severly. However, that's the job of the DA's office. This is a bipartisan mess.

    I attended the demonstration and work in the area that was blocked off. The police did a fine job, ever expanding that area to accomodate the huge crowd. It was a sea of people. As the march entered the Loop, I looked to the west from my office, and the people extended to the horizon. The demonstration was covered extensively by local media, but I'm curious about the extent of the coverage in other areas and in the national media. Later that night, I was flipping around the news networks and saw nothing about it. Was it covered? If so, how was it described?

    This is a country build by immigrants." Nice left (liberal) talking point...but they always seem to forget to add that little word "legal" to it. Why is that one simple word so hard for all of you to grasp? I don't know anybody on the left or right that is against immigration... just apply to come here legally. Why is that so much to ask? Can one of you explain what the issue is there? The fact is... "illegal" immigration is costing us (the legal taxpayers in this country) millions & millions of dollars each year! And, as for all the talk going on about all our ancestors and how they got here... you have to remember that times have changed. What was good and acceptable 200 years ago just doesn't make sense now, especially with the way the world is today. Open borders are a recipe for disaster. I'm reminded of that 'religious' phrase..... "be fruitful & multiply". That was well & good when there was maybe 5,000 people on the planet. But as we quickly approach 4 Billion... it really shouldn't apply now. BTW... the next Gov of Illinois will be Mr. Oberwiess... who is against "illegal" immigration. He certainly has my vote.