Racial Profiling at Texas School?
by TChris
Parents of students at the Nacogdoches High School are criticizing police and school officials for their response to an alleged "riot" that resulted when students from Nacogdoches provoked students who were displaced from New Orleans.
[Shirley] Gentry said she didn't understand why, "when the kids here jumped on the New Orleans kids, the New Orleans kids were the ones who were thrown in jail and put in alternative school."
Some parents think the incident exemplifies a larger issue of racial injustice.
There are double standards regarding punishment at NHS by the police and administration, according to [Pam] Martin.
"Just last week, students were being sent to ISS for dress code violations (mostly black and Hispanic), while white students were overlooked, and one white student was allowed to call her parents for clothes," Martin said. "Black students are arrested and slowly taken out by the police in handcuffs through the commons at lunch time, while white students are taken out through side doors while class is going on."
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