Leave it to Tom Tancredo to resort to fear-mongering, hyperbole and disingenuity in his National Review column on today's immigration rallies.
....It's politicians like Tancredo who use the immigration issue to push their own xenophobic agenda that prevents us from having serious, rational discussions about the need for comprehensive and humane immigration reform.
I don't expect everyone to agree with my position on immigration reform. But at least I address the issues rather than spout sourceless statistics or resort to fear-mongering in the style that has become so prevalent with Tom Tancredo.
Update: More Denver photos.
Update: Read the speech (pdf) given by former Denver Mayor Federico Pena at today's rally.
Photo by Ken Papaleo of the Rocky Mountain News (larger version here.):

Go over to RejectTancredo.com and sign the petition.
The Rocky Mountain News reports on the day's events:
Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper walked out of the Webb Municipal Building as the crowd was growing in the park across the street. "I wanted to see it and feel it," the mayor said.
Update: The TL kid just phoned in from New York, he's in the midst of thousands of people south of Union Square on his way to class. He says it's the coolest thing he's ever seen. Photo here.