
Abuse, Cover-Up Suspected in Inmate Death

by TChris

Marilyn Hubbard thinks the people responsible for her husband's death in the Moss Point jail are being protected. The jailers say Jesse Hubbard hung himself with his T-shirt. Marilyn doesn't believe that her husband, arrested for public intoxication and disorderly conduct, had any reason to kill himself.

An investigation organized by the Moss Point-Jackson County, Mississippi chapter of the NAACP is shedding new light on Jesse's death.

Benjamin L. Crump, the Hubbard's lawyer, announced the findings with conviction.

"Truth will lead us to justice," he said. "The pathology findings are that it is very unlikely that Mr. Hubbard died from hanging. The medical reports indicate bruising that is inconsistent with hanging."

Clark also revealed the NAACP investigation has discovered two inmates who witnessed an altercation between Hubbard and two officers. The first alleged altercation occurred in the lobby of the department, and the second in the booking room. Clark said the witnesses name will be withheld until further notice.

"These witnesses can attest that there was inappropriate conduct by Moss Point police that may have led to the death of Jesse Hubbard," Clark said. "These witnesses combined with the findings of our pathology report led us to the conclusion that this was not a case of suicide."

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  • Re: Abuse, Cover-Up Suspected in Inmate Death (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 07, 2006 at 11:44:00 AM EST
    There is an interesting story in the Buffalo News today, where the News actually took the time to interview this guy who made front pages recently with his brutal crime - on a crack high and desperate to get more, he strangled a locally known nun who preached anti-violence in order to steal her cell phone, which he then traded for a bag of crack. The reporter - who you may recognize as the guy who got the jailhouse interview with Timothy McVeigh and wrote a book about it - allows this guy to tell how his addiction drove him to such a terrible deed. I thought it was unique of the News to actually take a look at drug addiction's effect in this story, rather than just demonizing this easily demonizable guy who killed a nun.

    Re: Abuse, Cover-Up Suspected in Inmate Death (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun May 07, 2006 at 11:46:23 AM EST
    whoops, meant to put that in the post below. feel free to delete this one...