Michael Hayden: Might Consider Amending FISA
While many will take General Michael Hayden's statement to Sen. Dick Durbin that he would consider an Amendment to FISA for Bush's warrantless electronic spying program as cause to support him, I don't.
Durbin, after a 35-minute meeting Wednesday with Hayden, said the nominee for CIA director told him: "With all the publicity that has surrounded this program, we may be closer to the possibility of asking for a change in FISA." "He didn't say he would," Durbin added.
Democrats should think twice before tinkering with FISA. We'll be headed down that slippery slope and the risk is that this will only be the beginning. Bush next will bring the debate from conversations between one person outside the country and one person inside the country to conversations between two people inside the country. And then there will be a move to reduce the protections in Title III, which regulates eavesdropping on Americans in criminal investigations.
Sen. Arlen Specter's proposal is terrible. The warrantless eavesdropping program has not been particularly effective.
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