
Libby May 5 Hearing Transcript

I have just received the May 5 hearing transcript in the Scooter Libby case (thanks to reporter Jason Leopold for sharing it with me.) I haven't yet read it, so you can have first takes.

Update: Christy of Firedoglake weighs in here and here . Empty Wheel includes her thoughts in her post about Cheney. Tom Maguire also has a detailed analysis.

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  • Re: Libby May 5 Hearing Transcript (none / 0) (#1)
    by Tom Maguire on Fri May 12, 2006 at 08:29:49 AM EST
    Folks will love the exchange that starts at the end of p. 22: MR. WELLS: Your Honor, could you ask Mr. Fitzgerald if he is saying with respect to a particular individual who is the subject of a sealed affidavit by me, is he saying he's given us everything concerning that individual's conversations with the press? THE COURT: I don't know what individual you are talking about and I'm not asking counsel to reveal that since it is under seal but -- MR. FITZGERALD: I'm not revealing Jencks Act material or Giglio material so let me take a case removed from this case so I could just be vaguer. If there were a person with a cooperation agreement or impeachment material and had a long rap sheet with six arrests and they gave a 302 for an FBI interview and they went in the grand jury, I wouldn't turn that material over now. I ahve no idea what that means...

    Re: Libby May 5 Hearing Transcript (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri May 12, 2006 at 10:51:10 AM EST
    There is no such person with a rap sheet, that's why he says:
    so let me take a case removed from this case so I could just be vaguer.
    But, I think what's he's also saying is he isn't turning over Ari Fleischer debriefings or immunity agreement or plea deal documents, whichever Fleischer has received.