Net Neutrality
You will see an ad on TalkLeft for the next week that makes you angry. It opposes net neutrality. Personally, I support net neutrality. But TalkLeft does not accept or reject ads based on ideology. If the NRA wants to advertise here, they are welcome. Are there some ads I would reject? Yes, I'd refuse an ad for the she-pundit's book, the KKK, a radical right, fundamentalist organization or one that raves about the death penalty -- ads that made me cringe.
The issue of internet regulaton just doesn't fall in those gut, emotional categories for me. It takes money to spend the amount of time that I do on this site. I'd rather have ad revenue than continually ask readers for donations.
If you'd like to know how I feel about net neutrality, check out Save the Internet. Read both sides and make up your own mind. Then let your Senators know how you feel.
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