
Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea

Joe Lieberman says he 's fighting to the finish against Ned Lamont. Here's the text of the speech he delivered today in New Haven, where he was joined by Max Cleland and which he called his "closing argument" to Connecticut voters.

He had one funny line:

I am the only Democrat in America to run against George Bush in a national election twice. I even beat him and Dick Cheney once, if all the votes had been counted.

Lieberman then lists 8 areas in which he opposed Bush.

  • tax cuts
  • stem cell research.
  • a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
  • the Bush bankruptcy bill.
  • efforts to undermine affirmative action in the courts.
  • withdrawal from the Kyoto global warming pact and the International Criminal Court.
  • the environment and Bush's "plans to drill in the Arctic Refuge and to weaken standards for power plant emissions."
  • Bush's plan to privatize Social Security.

He cites the groups endorsing him: "AFL-CIO, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, the League of Conservation Voters, the Human Rights Campaign."

He cites the people supporting him:

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, John Lewis, State Treasurer Denise Nappier, Hartford Mayor Eddie Perez, state AFL-CIO President John Olsen.

He moves on to the war, explains his position and then acknowledges that many Democrats in Connecticut disagree with him:

Now I understand that many Democrats in Connecticut disagree with me and are very angry about the war. I don't think there is anything I can say to change your mind about whether we should have gone to war or when we should bring the troops home, and at this point I'm not going to insult you by trying.

What I will say is this: I not only respect your right to disagree or question the President, I value it. I was part of the anti-war movement in the late 1960s, so I don't need to be lectured by Ned Lamont about the place of dissent in our democracy.

He explains his much-maligned comment, "we undermine the President's credibility at our peril." He says:

I did not suggest that the President or anyone else -- including me -- should be immune from criticism...The point I was trying to make was about how we disagree. My concern was, and remains, that if opponents or supporters of the war go beyond disagreeing to exploiting the war for partisan political purposes, much like Republicans did to Max Cleland on homeland security, we could lose more than an election. We could put our mission in Iraq, the lives of thousands of American soldiers carrying it out, and our national security at risk. That is what I care about.

He begins to wind down with this:

That you can be compassionate in domestic policy and tough in foreign policy. That you can stand up for progressive values and still work with the other side to help people make a better life for themselves.

On his four recent newspaper endorsements:

Even though many of them disagree with my position on Iraq, they recognized that I have worked my heart out to solve problems and produce results for you, and that I am the candidate who Connecticut Democrats can count on to build a better future for our state.

His final words:

So let me close by saying this. If after hearing the truth about where I stand on Iraq, you still want to cast your vote solely on that one issue, then I respect your decision. But if you care about all the other issues facing us, and want to make real progress on them, then I ask once again for your trust and your vote on Tuesday.

And now it's up to the voters of Connecticut. The Chicago Tribune reports today a turnaround fis unlikely. What do you think? Is it over for Joe?

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  • Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#1)
    by anon55 on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 06:45:05 PM EST
    I think the people of CT are the lawn mower, and they are going after Lieberman's a**

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#2)
    by LizDexic on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 07:02:20 PM EST
    Well, he voted FOR the bankruptcy bill. And I kinda thought he was jumping on the "private accounts" bandwagon as well. The visual that did it for me was Lieberman being the ONLY Democrat that gave Bush a standing O for a speech he gave (S.O.T.U.?) What a douchebag. Did he also claim that when Bush kissed him he said "no tongues."...?

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#3)
    by aw on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 07:05:46 PM EST
    He had one funny line: I am the only Democrat in America to run against George Bush in a national election twice. I even beat him and Dick Cheney once, if all the votes had been counted.
    If I were a CT voter, this alone would make it "over for Joe" as far as I were concerned.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#4)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 07:09:35 PM EST
    His threat to run in the fall election if he lost the primary pretty much assured him a loss in the primary. Hopefully it will be a bad enough loss to dissuade him from pursuing it.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#5)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 07:11:44 PM EST
    I wonder if he can get enough petition signatures to run.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 07:16:37 PM EST
    Lieberman needs to go. He is a self-absorbed, out of touch appeaser, doing much damage to Democrats, progressives, and the country. He doesn't even represent the views of CT voters. I hope CT does the right thing and dis-elects him. I hope he then does the right thing and retires. Then, I hope other Democratic appeasers take a lesson from this. An old expression: "Get on the ball or get on the bus." The next bus does a pickup in 2008.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#7)
    by Sailor on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 07:22:33 PM EST
    Kos has a nice rundown of dueling liberman quotes

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#8)
    by Lww on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 09:03:28 PM EST
    I have three sisters who live and vote in CT. Flaming crazy liberals...good people. You couldn't get a straight answer from them when it came to uncle Joe. You never know.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#9)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 09:13:26 PM EST
    it's pretty bad when your best friends won't vote for you. seriously! the chitrib is running an article about a connecticut couple who's known joe all their lives, had him over for dinner, even got him his first job...and they're voting for lamont next tuesday. that's joe-nertia! . .

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#10)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 11:11:35 PM EST
    I thought he at least voted for cloture re bankruptcy and TPM and others who watched the SS thing closely surely suggested he wavered on that. And, such is the point: his "the other side is reasonable, let's hear them out" approach is at least half the problem. As to his laugh line, thinking back to his lameass comments after the '00 election when Gore challenged the results (oh heck, since he mentioned Cheney, what about his buddy buddy debate?), that doesn't make me smile too much. His support of a national Terri Schiavo Parent Protection Act negates the stem cell business, which heck even conservative Republicans supported. Like wow on that, Joe. If he loses, I have a feeling he will not go all the way with his indie bid. If he loses on Tu, he should be done. Those people he list will be among those who will 'suggest' he do so.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#11)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Aug 06, 2006 at 11:12:40 PM EST
    Let's not forget some golden Joe Oldies: He supported "Class Action Reform" which put Corporations in charge and forced individuals to sue in Right Wing, Federal Courts. Without Joe's support, the Fillibuster on "Bankruptcy Reform" was broken. He voted for Cloture. His Cloture vote on Alito was the real vote, not the phony, meaningless one he cast when it was clear that democrats were going to loose. Without Joe's support, the Repugs wouldn't have had such an easy time justifying Bush's warmongering. His statement that Democrats who question presidential credibility, do so at our nation's peril was what pushed me over the edge. That was when I started giving to Lamont. Let's not forget the 42 Minute hearing that he helped sheppard "Heck of a Job Brownie" through. Would a real hearing have revealed Browie to be out of his league in this job? In Feb of 2005, Joe was pushing the Bush Admin's panic button in terms of Social Security, when they were all blowing up the risk of doing nothing and playing down the risk of Privatization. Lieberman has repeatedly supported Vouchers and as a consequence, The teacher unions support Lamont. With his meddling in the Shaivo thing, he now has earned the fact that Michael Schaivo is campaigning for Lamont. Good-bye Joe, you won't be missed.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#12)
    by Tom Doyle on Mon Aug 07, 2006 at 01:15:18 AM EST
    His threat to run in the fall election if he lost the primary pretty much assured him a loss in the primary. From your mouth to G-d's ears! Hopefully it will be a bad enough loss to dissuade him from pursuing it. See above.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#13)
    by john horse on Mon Aug 07, 2006 at 04:04:30 AM EST
    Sailor has a good link on what Lieberman is saying now vs what Lieberman said then. Had Lieberman been saying then the things he is saying now, he would be sailing through his reelection.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#14)
    by dutchfox on Mon Aug 07, 2006 at 07:34:46 AM EST
    Yes, Lamont seems the better candidate, but why aren't the so called liberal netroots people goin' after Hilary Clinton? She's just as bad as Lieberman. The problem with Democrats is that they've really ditched their diluted liberal principles to court voters. I'm appalled how Dems have treated McKinney in Georgia (yeah, so what if she has these outbursts - she stands for the little guy). Dems/Repubs, no differece really - they just elect lackeys to support the ownership elites.

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#15)
    by dutchfox on Mon Aug 07, 2006 at 07:40:32 AM EST
    I mean, sure, Lieberman is symbolic, but he's only one senator; he just happens to be the most visible ass kisser for Bush. I'm surely no DLC person by any stretch. There's gotta be a huge shift in Democratic Party focus back to it's "roots," but I don't see that happening any time soon. Are the voters just kept in the dark; do they just not care; are they happy enough watching their TVLand, shopping at Walmart/BestBuy/BananaRepublic; taking holidays in the fantasyland of Disney?

    Re: Two Days to Go: Lieberman's Final Plea (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Aug 07, 2006 at 10:00:40 AM EST
    Very good points dutchfox, I think the reason the dems have gone after McKinney so viciously is that she's an easy, easy target. She's a forceful, sometimes abrasive, black woman. She's not very politically savvy (see capitol police debacle). She has a crazy father who pops up and says anti-Semitic things from time to time. And, like Hillary, she inspires this hatred in people who don't know anything about her...except that they hate her. There's also a growing resentment in Atlanta at the black power structure set up by Maynard Jackson, and sort of crumbling under Shirley Franklin. It's very easy for people to direct that resentment McKinney's way. I couldn't disagree with you more RE: republicans and democrats being the same. The republicans have absolutely gone off the dobson deep end. When you have Nixon's legal counsel writing books about how the republican party (his party) is headed toward fascism, you have a problem. The dems have basically become what the republican party pretends to be. It's sad, but there's still a big, big difference between the parties. I also think that while CT is just one race, Lamont winning could be both a shot in the arm and a wake up call to the democratic party. Optimist 'till the end, I know.