
U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda

Update: Crooks and Liars has the video of Bush speaking to the threat.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff today tied the British aircraft terror threats to al-Qaeda.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the plot appeared to have been engineered by al-Qaida, the terrorist group that hijacked two planes from Boston on Sept. 11, 2001, and flew them into the World Trade Center towers in New York.

Things are not progressing smoothly at U.S. airports, so if you are traveling, be forewarned.

Growing lines of irritated travelers snaked through U.S. airport terminals Thursday as people waited hours to reach security checkpoints, where they were ordered to dump their water bottles, suntan lotion and even toothpaste following the discovery of a terror plot in Britain.

Guards armed with rifles stood at the security checkpoints in several airports. The governors of California and Massachusetts said they were sending the National Guard to bolster security at major airports, and New York's governor was considering doing the same.

The new ban on all liquids and gels from carry-on luggage left people with little choice but to throw away juice boxes, bags full of makeup, perfume and bottles of liquor and wine. Baby formula and medicines were exempt but had to be inspected.

Why don't they just ask everyone to drink from their liquid bottles? Isn't that a ure way to see if there's explosives in them? As to exempting baby formula and medicine, that sounds dangerous. Why not pour some in the baby's mouth? If the parent balks, call them out for a special search, but keep the line moving.

As to the lines:

At Newark Airport in New Jersey, the security checkpoint line for Terminal B, home to most international flights, stretched the entire length of the terminal - roughly six football fields - and was barely moving.

A thumbs-up to Manchester, NH:

Some passengers gave banned items away. Airport officials in Manchester, N.H., officials offered padded envelops and paid the postage to mail items home.

More on the threat from the Guardian:

As international disruption began to cause delays at US airports, Mr Chertoff and Robert Mueller, the director of the FBI, became the first officials to publicly suggest al-Qaida might have been involved. Speaking to reporters in Washington DC, Mr Chertoff repeatedly cited the British legal system as a reason for withholding details, but he did call the disrupted plans "suggestive of an al-Qaida plot". Mr Mueller also said the scheme "had the earmarks of an al-Qaida plot."

As to the 21 persons arrested in Britain:

While the British home secretary, John Reid, declined to give any details of the identities of the 21 people arrested in overnight raids in the UK, the first clues began to emerge in the US. The terrorism expert Peter Bergen told CNN he understood the detainees to be Britons of Pakistani descent.

President Bush will make a public statement later today.

< ABA Passes Death Penalty Resolution | Bush Uses Terror Threat to Sell Surveillance Programs >
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    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#1)
    by roy on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 12:55:53 PM EST
    Why don't they just ask everyone to drink from their liquid bottles? Isn't that a ure way to see if there's explosives in them?
    I'm no chemist, but I suspect that not all explosive ingredients are so toxic that drinking a mouthful will cause an immediate reaction. If we're talking about people who plan to blow themselves up in a few hours anyway, a belly full of cancer-causing swill is no big thing.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:00:03 PM EST
    As John Amato suggests, read the comments for a bit of fun.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#3)
    by theologicus on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:00:15 PM EST
    I once found a video clip somewhere on the internet of speeches at the 2004 Republican convention. Everything was edited out from them except the moments when a speaker -- like Giulianai -- uttered the phrase "9/11." The phrase was jerked through innumerable variations of tone and posture. It was at once hilarious and disturbing. But my point is that the refrain was constant. Much the same holds true, of course, for the constant invocation of the phrase "al-Qaeda." We need to be kept in a state of terror for our own good.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#4)
    by kdog on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:08:08 PM EST
    I think when travelers are forced to throw away a perfectly good tube of Colgate Whitening...the terrorists win.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#5)
    by squeaky on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:14:02 PM EST
    I think when travelers are forced to throw away a perfectly good tube of Colgate Whitening...the terrorists win.
    Colgate-Palmolive et al are shedding no tears. Profits should surge after a few weeks of this nonsense. Yes, the terrorists are winning and I guess war is good for the economy.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:14:13 PM EST
    We need to be kept in a state of terror for our own good.
    I think this sums up both the problem and the solution. Those who are willing to be terrorised can be "kept in a state of terror". Those who are not are largely immune to the entire pantomime. Are you in a state of terror? I'm not. Maybe we should start a petition for people to let their elected representatives know that the terror alerts are not working?

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:23:10 PM EST
    Why don't they just ask everyone to drink from their liquid bottles? Isn't that a ure way to see if there's explosives in them?
    I read a report that the bombers planned to use bottles with fake bottoms - Gatorade on the top half, dyed explosives on the top. It's a pretty easy way around the sip test.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#8)
    by oldtree on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:23:58 PM EST
    alas, Chertoff, you recall, who doesn't know in from a ground hole his ass. this guy probably doesn't really understand that there is a mideast, that there are any "arabs" may shock him. Remember, he worked closely with brownie and gw. when they work, get out of the way. their credibility is just legendary

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#10)
    by Joe Bob on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:27:01 PM EST
    Toothpaste? What if you have to pour a bottle of Chanel No.5 down the drain? That stuff is expensive. Then again, maybe you could just pass the bottle down the line. You would have a lot of sweet-smelling cabinmates.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#11)
    by Lww on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:28:29 PM EST
    Cymro,some serious bogus doubletalk there. Congrats. So you're not terrorized, bfd. I hear the Israelis are counting hysteria as a casualty... I guess that means half of Lebanon.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#12)
    by Patrick on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:30:16 PM EST
    You don't have to throw away anything, all these items can be checked in your bags, just not carried on the plane in a carry on. If you need your channel no 5 on the plane, then you have bigger problems than terrorists. I'll be back on the 25th and let you all know how it went. I'm looking forward to seeing the UK and Ireland. Hell, I'm eaven staying up north for a night.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#13)
    by Johnny on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:31:56 PM EST
    Five dollars for toothpaste? Maybe thats why you are so angry Narius. I pay a buck or so for mine.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#14)
    by theologicus on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:32:43 PM EST
    Those who are willing to be terrorised can be "kept in a state of terror". I know what you mean, but I think it's not just a matter of the will. Of course there is such a thing as culpable ignorance. But fear is a potent means of social control, right up there with shame, for example. People are susceptible. What the government has going is a kind of protection racket. They threaten us with a problem pretty much of their own making, and then offer to protect us from it -- needles to say, for a price. And the means of protection then again contributes to perpetuating the threat from which we need to be protected. Beautiful.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#15)
    by sarcastic unnamed one on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:33:46 PM EST
    Have a safe trip Patrick.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#16)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:34:27 PM EST
    This is exactly why passengers should be barefoot and all pilots should have guns with the cockpit doors deadbolt locked....yessir.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#17)
    by Lww on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:36:32 PM EST
    My toothpastes says do not mix with hemmaroid cream or your ass will explode. Thanks FDA.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#18)
    by Patrick on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:38:53 PM EST
    Hemmorhoids are no laughing matter!

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#19)
    by Lww on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:42:33 PM EST
    Never would've known listening to you.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#20)
    by Patrick on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:43:48 PM EST
    hemorrhoids that is... SUO, Thanks

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#21)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:43:54 PM EST
    LWW, you misunderstand me, I was referring only to the fake terror alerts we are being subjected to. But I totally agree with you about the Israeli terrorism in Lebanon. If I lved there I would probably be just as angry as the Lebanese people are.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#22)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 01:56:36 PM EST
    The best one is about the baby's milk that has to be tested before it can be let on the plane. Exploding Cheerios.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#23)
    by desertswine on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 02:04:47 PM EST
    Patrick ~ Have a safe trip.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#24)
    by Che's Lounge on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 02:07:25 PM EST
    Patrick, My Bro is currently touring around Europe. I think he'll be in Barcelona tonite. He has yet to locate any secret prisons. Have a safe trip.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#25)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 02:19:49 PM EST
    Have a safe trip Patrick, looking forward to your report.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#26)
    by dutchfox on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 02:22:18 PM EST
    Safe trip, Patrick.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#27)
    by roy on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 02:40:54 PM EST
    Patrick, remember, if you see somebody drinking Gatorade, beat their *ss down.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#28)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 02:48:56 PM EST
    "This is exactly why passengers should be barefoot and all pilots should have guns with the cockpit doors deadbolt locked....yessir." Yeah, but first cut pilots pay as much as 70%, cheapen their medical benefits and by all means take away their retirement. Then, give them guns....... Have a safe trip, Patrick.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#29)
    by jen on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 02:55:47 PM EST
    stay safe, Patrick But if you pack gels/liquids that are in tubes or plastic in checked luggage, be sure to put them in a baggie in case they rupture in high altitudes. I had a *really* bad experience with acrylic paint tubes once.....

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#30)
    by Aaron on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 03:00:42 PM EST
    George W. Bush -- Were safer now than we were after 9/11. (Hysterical laughter in the background) Tucker Carlson -- is Iran responsible for the new terror plots in Great Britain, are they planning new attacks? The Iranians could have nuclear weapons by August 22, 2006. CNN's personal-finance editor -- Don't use your cell phone within 50 feet of a suspicious object. British airport security -- all passengers please strip naked before entering the plane (Benny Hill's revenge) CNN Closing Bell -- the Dow is up, small-cap stock in private security firms skyrocketing. Invest now. CNN Kudlow and Kramer -- "we dodged a terrorist plot that could've wound up killing tens of millions of Americans." US airport screeners -- I don't think I can taste any more baby formula today, it's giving me the runs. But those prescription drugs (Prozac, Percocet, Darvocet, Methadone) are making me happy, keep them coming. Michael Chertoff -- The Islamic Fascists believe if they kill enough of us, we'll cut and run, I'm here to prove them wrong. Chris Matthews -- "...this is a big day... this is a horrible day for the country." (The hard-core journalist who lives for strife showing itself) "Tony Snow yesterday said this kind of terrorism were facing today results from our failure to invade Baghdad back in 1991." (The president is blaming his daddy now). Congressman Peter King (Republican) -- Nine planes blown up over the Atlantic using household products. The terrorists were going to mix them on the planes while their in-flight headed for the United States. "America played a leading role in wrapping this up." "This is a battle for civilization." "You can only appease for so long" Chris Matthews -- "You believe the Democratic Party has joined the causes of right." Congressman Peter King -- "I believe Joe Lieberman has." (Nice plug for the Lieberman campaign).

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#31)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 03:32:44 PM EST
    so bushco knew for 2 weeks and they only upped the terror alert today?

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#32)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 04:24:22 PM EST
    Willkommen to Amerika, show me your papers Mein Heir!

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#33)
    by chemoelectric on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 04:25:00 PM EST
    Hemorrhoids are no laughing matter! They are nature's Code Red. These lines for security checks at airports are astounding, not only because a plot that has just been infiltrated is unlikely to carry on according to schedule. I remember clearly that advice for safety at airports, before Sept. 11, 1991, was to get out of the terminal and into the gate areas as soon as possible, since it was in terminals that gunmen carry out attacks. I'd say we've got right now a system of airports full of sitting ducks; thank goodness murderous gunmen actually are scarce.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#34)
    by Al on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 04:29:12 PM EST
    I'd like to know who the people are that have been arrested and what the charges are.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#35)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 04:37:08 PM EST
    Joe Bob writes:
    What if you have to pour a bottle of Chanel No.5 down the drain? That stuff is expensive. Then again, maybe you could just pass the bottle down the line. You would have a lot of sweet-smelling cabinmates.
    Please, no. Some people are allergic.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#36)
    by Ernesto Del Mundo on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 04:44:54 PM EST
    I'd like to know who the people are that have been arrested and what the charges are.
    Al, that's classified information. And it isn't wise to ask these kinds of questions, because you might be emboldening the terrorists. You don't want to do that, do you Al? Of course not. Be a good citizendrone and be afraid. Too afraid to ask questions like that. Just bite your lower lip and tremble. And remember to vote Republican, ALWAYS vote Republican or the terrorists have won. Except in the Connecticut Senate election. There you can either vote Republican or Independent. But that's the only place. Elsewhere, your choice is...voting Republican.
    so bushco knew for 2 weeks and they only upped the terror alert today?
    He was at the ranch again. I think Condi briefed him about it on August 6th. Hey, I hear he will be reading books to school kids next week. Might be a good idea to avoid the high rise buildings that day, y'all.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#37)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 04:47:56 PM EST
    Some passengers gave banned items away. Airport officials in Manchester, N.H., officials offered padded envelops and paid the postage to mail items home. Therefore turning them, if they turn out to be dangerous, into mail bombs.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#38)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 05:06:58 PM EST
    Bix said...
    "Therefore turning them, if they turn out to be dangerous, into mail bombs."
    Actually, that wasn't a real concern. You see, if the person in question was Brown, no envelope was provided. Instead, the non-white-ness of the individual marked the person for immediate interrogation, full body cavity search, and immediate detention without access to legal representation. Sieg Heil!

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#39)
    by jen on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 05:09:12 PM EST
    Better than throwing them away right there. Would YOU like to be standing next to that trash can?

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#40)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 05:11:42 PM EST
    In case it needs to be said, the last comment was made in disgust rather than sincerity....

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#41)
    by Dadler on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 05:33:22 PM EST
    The illusion of security in full bloom. Adults touting this as some kind of security success are deluded. Obviously, any sentient being is happy these attacks, if they were indeed serious, did not occur. An intelligent sentient being is much less deluded than the leaders who tout their luck as if its the result of some savvy strategy. When it's more akin to a blink squirrel finding a chipmunk. Good work, get over it, and realize that anyone with a sliver of a brain can kill thousands of people in a day and easily. Which is why "war" on a concept is a failure to the end. Twice in the last few years here in San Diego, unknown attackers have run up behind people, stabbed them in the back, then fled never to be caught. Are people wearing security cameras on the backs of their heads?

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#42)
    by Dadler on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 05:35:54 PM EST
    Wow, how about a BLIND squirrel finding a NUT? My six year-old yapping in my ear is making it hard to think. And so, I shall stop. Until bedtime.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#43)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 05:56:25 PM EST
    I meant to add to Patrick: Have a good trip, and may god speed ... because 14 hours sitting on hemorrhoids is not a laughing matter. It's funny to folks who haven't experienced it, but it ain't funny to the person with 'em. Back on topic: the brits have a very bad record on being honest about any terrerist claims. According to ppj they still think iraq was buying yellow cake, they murdered a man in a subway and then lied about it as long as they could, they claimed saddam could attack them in 45 minutes ... and blair has done everything he could to support, not the US, but bush. I call BS.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#44)
    by squeaky on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 06:06:37 PM EST
    Actually Dadler, I think a blind squirrel would not have a problem finding the nuts he buried. Although they do use their prodigious memory aided by visual cues, most of the collection is done by sense of smell. It is a mute point though, because a blind squirrel would not live long enough to be burying nuts in the first place. Nonetheless I agree with your point 100%. Funny that your analogy came out while your six-year old chipmunk was driving you nuts.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#45)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 06:28:55 PM EST
    Sailor writes:
    According to ppj they still think iraq was buying yellow cake,
    Can't you get anything right? Or do you deliberately tell fibs? They still think Iraq was TRYING to purchase. BTW - You call BS? Well, you are full of it. et al - Somebody noted that you can't carry liquids or pastes in your CARRY ON luggage, but you can CHECK IT in your suitcase. Dadler - I don't think anyone is calling this a security success. What it is that we won a battle and saved thousnads of lives and the jobs of people who work in travel related industries. Now I realize that isn't important to you. But to those involved in the real world, it was and is a nice piece of work.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#46)
    by jen on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 06:36:06 PM EST
    of course if you put such things in your checked luggege they migt not make it due to the contents not being in the tubes anymore. so really, whats the point.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#47)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 06:39:51 PM EST
    Hey kdog! How'd you do in Vegas?

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#48)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 06:48:30 PM EST
    Jen - True. If you can't figure out how to replace what has been lost, then you surely need to stay at home. Sigh....life is full of hardships.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#49)
    by jen on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 07:05:42 PM EST
    PPK Why stay at home? You are a binary fella, aint you? I said you can't check fluids, gels etc in checked luggage. They expand. If the container can't hold them they rupture. Haven't you EVER flown?

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#50)
    by Sailor on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 07:28:26 PM EST
    Ladies and gentlemen
    BTW - You call BS? Well, you are full of it.
    welcome to yet another (psychotic) episode of 'all about jim.' BTW, ppj, we the grownups were talking about UK, US & AQ. Please try to focus.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#51)
    by Al on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 07:31:01 PM EST
    They still think Iraq was TRYING to purchase [uranium yellowcake]. (PPJ)
    I don't know who you mean by "they". There are also people who believe the moon landing was a hoax. Maybe that's who you mean. As for the ventriloquist's dummy, Blair, he was the one remember who not only held that Saddam Hussein had chemical weapons, but that they could be launched within 45 minutes of his order. This was in the famous Dodgy Dossier, and it was a claim (I'll spare you the embarrassment of suggesting it might be true) that was later refuted by Sir Richard Dearlove, head of MI6. (Yes, that's his real name.). So, forgive me for not crediting Bush and Blair with much credibility. They have only themselves to blame.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#52)
    by jimcee on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 07:42:02 PM EST
    Squeaky, Squirrels may bury nuts but they rarely find them later on. It's actually one of those odd natural things that they unwarying 'plant' future nut trees for future tree rats. The funny thing is they always find my tulip bulbs. They dig them up, take one bite and toss them aside. I do have to say that there is a cute clutch of Greys that seem to control the tree canopies over the house and yard. I saw a Black squirrel a few blocks over and would like some of them to move over here to intermix with the grey. Affrimitive action and all that good rot.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#53)
    by jimakaPPJ on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 08:20:43 PM EST
    Jen - Oh, only about three million commercial and god knows how many military miles. Let me give you a tip. Commercial jets are pressurized to about 8000 to 10,000 feet, even in the baggage compartment. So I find it doubtful that you will have much trouble with leakage, assuming the container has any physical strength. But, just in case, make sure all liquid containers are filled only about 50%, and if possible evacuate the air inside them before sealing by opening the cap and squeezing the air out, then closing the cap. Or else do what any experience traveler does, and place anything you worry about leaking in a watertight bag and then place that in your luggage. Any good luggage shop can sell you one. Binary? Well, you were the one whinning. Simpler..if you can't stand the leaks, stay out of the airplane. jimcee - Tree rats is a good description. I have ones that love squash. Some they eat, some they bury. Have you ever seen albinos? Al - Uh, Sailor was speaking of the British.. As he would say, please stay on subject. Sailor, and are you telling us that the Brits said Iraq purchased????? No, you know that they didn't say that, so who is BSing? Can you spell s a i l o r??

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#54)
    by Al on Thu Aug 10, 2006 at 09:08:23 PM EST
    PPJ, "the British" believe no such thing. You're probably thinking of Slimy Tony. See above.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#55)
    by jen on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 05:00:29 AM EST
    Posted by JimakaPPJ August 10, 2006 09:20 PM Binary? Well, you were the one whinning. Simpler..if you can't stand the leaks, stay out of the airplane.
    You were the one whining because we think the new rule a bit illogical. Yes experienced travelers DO put that stuff in baggies. (you didnt read earlier post. see above re: acrylic paint tubes) Because we KNOW THAT THE STUFF MIGHT EXPLODE ALL OVER OUR CLOTHES. You were the one saying Just put it in checked luggage. I responded. It blows up. I don't want toothpaste from a tube that has been ruptured. I'll buy it at my destination. Same for anything else. The new restrictions are somewhat overreacting. The explosives can be put in checked luggage too. In that gatorade bottle. Or they can switch to hiding the explosives in a NON liquid containing item for carry on.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#56)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 07:09:27 AM EST
    cymro... I totally agree with you about the Israeli terrorism in Lebanon No comment from you about rockets fired into Israel? That's ok? Not terrorism? If I lved there I would probably be just as angry as the Lebanese people are How about directing that anger at the people actually responsible for this? Hezbollah...????? PPJ... Have you ever seen albinos? My sis has a place in Wisc and albino squirrels are all over the place! I was amazed at how many there are around her lake, and that seems to be the only place in that area. Jen... The new restrictions are somewhat overreacting. What would you suggest?

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#57)
    by Jlvngstn on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 07:14:20 AM EST
    For those of you lacking in basic physics knowledge, a gatorade bottle which is basically clear when tipped over for a drink, the liquid all moves forward. If bottomed out the part sealed off will not move, hence something should tip off the screener. Patrick, have a safe trip and I wish you well in your travels.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#58)
    by Sailor on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 07:15:44 AM EST
    Sailor, and are you telling us that the Brits said Iraq purchased?????
    ppj, take your meds, remember the topic and try to stop making personal attacks. There's usually an open friday thread, I'd be happy to discuss your ravings then.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#59)
    by jen on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 07:29:43 AM EST
    BB, dogs.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#60)
    by kdog on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 07:40:40 AM EST
    Thanks for asking Jim...out the middle of day 2...gave it my darndest. Not the caliber of play I expected for the World Chamionship to say the least...the looseness surprised me. Won for the trip...so all in all a great experience. Harrahs is mud opinion in how they are handling things...but that's another story. Glad I got my flying done before this whole mess. No problem smuggling my lighters and smoke through Kennedy...TSA caught my lighters coming back through McCarran...but not the left-over smoke. I like the Benny Hill solution Aaron...let's all fly nude. We still won't achieve the myth of security...I'm just a horn dog. And all that skin would surely freak the mohammed out of any extremists.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#61)
    by jimakaPPJ on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 07:50:30 AM EST
    Sailor - Off topic? Here's what you said: (Note the "back on topic") ;-)
    Back on topic: the brits have a very bad record on being honest about any terrerist claims. According to ppj they still think iraq was buying yellow cake,
    So your comment was that the Brits don't know beans and that their comments re al-qaeda are wrong. For proof you reference a statement that I have never made, and, in fact the Brits haven't made. As I pointed out, the Brits did say, and haven't retracted, that Iraq was trying to purchase yellowcake. And when I correct you, you want to claim that my correction is off topic? Ah yes, the old "the victim shouldn't defend himself" meme. Sailor, really. You embarass yourself. Jen - Here's what you said:
    I said you can't check fluids, gels etc in checked luggage. They expand. If the container can't hold them they rupture. Haven't you EVER flown?
    Did you mean, "Checked fluids and gels may expand abd leak." I have been checking various tolietry items for over thirty years on commercial ailiners and have never had one "explode." I did start putting anything that can leak into a leak proof bag after a sweet experience with some Old Spice after shave on a trip to San Francisco. et al - So the traveling public can either check it or buy it when they get there. And yes, hotel gift shops will see an increase in business. And if you want to blame someone, try the IslamicFascists that want to kill you. Not Blair. Not Bush. Not the invasion in Iraq.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#62)
    by jen on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 08:56:18 AM EST
    no, I meant rupture. Like the tubes of acrylic paint did in my father's carry on luggage. He was bringing them to me from the states. They did not arrive safetly, they were RUPTURED. The contents that should have been on the inside were on the outside. There were big rips in the tubes. They ruptured, blew up, exploded, went poof, made a mess. Experiened travelers, those of us who hate long waits and lost luggage, pack light and carry on everything. Amtrack and Greyhound must be loving this.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#63)
    by jen on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 09:06:57 AM EST
    in my dads checked luggage. I really should learn to proofread

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#64)
    by squeaky on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 10:09:26 AM EST
    Squirrels may bury nuts but they rarely find them later on.
    Your hatred of "tree rats" may be clouding your mind here. Too many studies have been done to show that squirrels do in fact find most of their nuts. I can empathize with your hatred of the little furry beasts. My cousin and his then 8 year old daughter, both among the gentlest of people I have ever met, were driven to acts of grisly murder because squirrels tried to take over their house. The weirdest thing was not that they devised horrible methods of capturing and killing the invaders, but that they recounted the stories of success with the utmost glee imaginable. So, I can understand what a squirrel can do to a person, but still their nut finding ability has the scientific community in awe. Here is an apocryphal story, if you haven't seen it already, about a killer squirrel. Scary but amusing nonetheless.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#66)
    by jimakaPPJ on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 07:34:37 PM EST
    Nowonmai - Uh, perhaps my sarcasm has been too subtle. I know it has for Jen... But perhaps you will explain this deeper than most statements...
    And news flash, if you have canine units checking what's leaving, it prevents it from entering the country at the other end of the trip by not being there.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#67)
    by jimcee on Fri Aug 11, 2006 at 08:06:19 PM EST
    Squeaky, As usual you have assumed I hate Squirrels. I don't. They can be annoying at times but I generally like them and feel bad when I can identify a dead one from the new generation. Tree-Rats is sort of an endearing term, you know, like that sweet Lieberman Blackface term you defended so much. I love them but.... If I understand from your past posts you are a NYC resident(?) and that doesn't put you on the cutting edge of mother nature. If you ever want to come above Westchester I'll be more than happy to give you a tour of the rest of New York State. The place with bears, deer and trees. Also the place where desperate people escaping the ponderous pompacity that is NYC come. In growing numbers. Funny how they start out like you thinking they are oh so smart and end up learning that country bumpkism is a more honest way of life. The bagels aren't as good but the people are better. And we can call squirrels tree rats because well they really are rodents/rats with fluffy tails. That not withstanding if you want to understand NYS beyond NYC I suggest you visit the 'World Famous' Osceola Hotel on the Tug Hill Plateau, if you need a guide I am more than willing to show you around. I like my rodents but there isn't a shortage of them regardless of the traffic fatalities in my neighborhood. If you have a soft spot for rodents NYC is the best place for you to live because rats are all to present.

    Re: U.S. Ties British Threats to al-Qaeda (none / 0) (#68)
    by squeaky on Sat Aug 12, 2006 at 10:20:37 AM EST
    That not withstanding if you want to understand NYS beyond NYC I suggest you visit the 'World Famous' Osceola Hotel on the Tug Hill Plateau, if you need a guide I am more than willing to show you around.
    Wow you really live way up in the boonies. Believe it or not, despite the fact that I was born and bred in NYC, I have ventured out of it, from extreme wilderness to plain rural American countryside. I am touched by your generous offer to show me around your locale. It looks as if it is quite stunning from a naturalist point of view. If I am ever in the neighborhood and will take you up on your offer as long as you promise not to shoot me in the face.