
FBI Raids Alaska State Legislators' Offices

Alaska Senator Ted Stevens' son, Ben Stevens, was one of the state legislators whose office was searched by the FBI Thursday looking for evidence of improper links between the legislators and VECO Corp., an oil field services company and

Federal agents raided the offices of at least six Alaska lawmakers Thursday in a search for any ties between the legislators and a large oil field services company, officials said.

Tam Cook, the Legislature's top attorney, said the company named in the search warrant was VECO Corp., an Anchorage-based oil field services and construction company whose executives are major contributors to political campaigns. Two legislative aides, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal from federal agents who told them not to talk to reporters, said FBI agents were looking for any ties including financial information and gifts.

Here's who got searched:

Agents conducted office searches in both Juneau and Anchorage belonging to Sen. John Cowdery, R-Anchorage, the Senate Rules Committee chairman. The senator stood by in Anchorage as authorities sifted through documentation. The offices of Senate President Ben Stevens, R-Anchorage; Kohring; Rep. Bruce Weyhrauch, R-Juneau; Sen. Donald Olson, D-Nome; and Rep. Pete Kott, R-Eagle River also were searched.

More on Ben Stevens connection to the oil companies is here.

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