Weekend Reading and Open Thread
Some things to read today if you're online:
As the President readies himself to go to the map for his right to order torture in violation of America's laws and international commitments, it's worth putting this in some context.
- The Talking Dog interviews Dr. Steven Miles, medical professor at the U. of Minnesota, and author of "Oath Betrayed" discussing medical complicity in torture, prisoner abuse, et al, in the war on terror.
- Law Professor Jordan Paust's plea to Congress urging that minimum due process guarantees under customary international law must not be denied when Congress attempts to articulate forms of procedure for new US military commissions
- A report in the San Francisco Chronicle about the interesting make-up of the California lethal injection team members.
- Warren Strobel and John Walcott on how Bush is gearing up for an attack on Iran -- based once again on faulty intelligence:
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