
Clinton Blog Strategy

An op-ed at USA Today revisits the bloggers' lunch with Bill Clinton, suggesting that Hillary may be using Bill as a blog Ambassador and positing three options for Hillary vis a vis blogs: Ignore them, attack them or co-opt them.

It's not that simple. The first and second suggested options would be fruitless. The third is not possible. Politicans as astute as the Clintons surely know this.

Is it so hard for non-bloggers to believe that commencing a dialogue between politicans and bloggers is a worthwhile endeavor? Talk to us, bring us into the fold, let us know your values and your beliefs. We'll listen. We may or may not agree, but we'll appreciate the overture and respond. Now, is that so hard to fathom?

Update: The author's full article, before being edited and shortened by USA Today is here.

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  • Re: Clinton Blog Strategy (none / 0) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Oct 01, 2006 at 10:21:38 PM EST
    Outside of really forward thinking and progressive minded pols, they still haven't come to terms with blogs. Howard Dean is forever being vilified for his ideas that are eventually taken in as mainstream. Look at the way he raised money on the internet. He was laughed at and yet, it's now standard practice. People like Howard Dean are ahead of the time and think outside the box. The innovative and thier curse is ridicule. Yet, if Lamont did not wake them up then it will still take them time. They still think this is a fad. What they and the MSM do not know is that this is the place for people like me to go to get news and information. No one is speaking to me out there. We have been ignored in favor of conservativism. You are our lifeline. But, the politicans still haven't figured out that thier so called "base" is here, online at the blogs.

    Re: Clinton Blog Strategy (none / 0) (#2)
    by Che's Lounge on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 07:49:43 AM EST
    Outside of really forward thinking and progressive minded pols, they still haven't come to terms with blogs. I can't think of a better analogy than herding cats. Good luck politicos, in your effort to co-opt the blogosphere. The only hope that the establishment has is that the RW sites will give up, which will open the door for regulation and the ultimate demise of the blogosphere as a political weapon. Heck, they took away habeas. Just reclassify sedition*, and close the sites spreading "extremist" views. Tey have already tiered the threat level from liberal, to extremist, to pre terrorist, to enemy combatant. Smart people. *see Vocabulary C

    Re: Clinton Blog Strategy (none / 0) (#3)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Mon Oct 02, 2006 at 11:41:16 AM EST
    Someone's pulling my leg. The Clintons had far more in mind than just sharing their views with bloggers. C'mon, let's be honest. They were "buying" the support of every blogger in attendance.