
I Got A Bridge in Brooklyn For You . . .

(Guest Post by Big Tent Democrat)

If you believe this story:

A Democratic Congressman with whom I have very good relations (no, not the Mark Foley kind) was drowning his sorrows tonight at the thought of going into the majority now. His point was that if the Dems lose again this year, they can blame Pelosi and replace her and will inevitably take control in 2008.

But, because of Republican incompetence (to get an accurate account of what he said, insert the "F" word after every second word in this post and after every reference to either party), the Democrats are going to take the majority this year, will have to make Pelosi the Speaker or look really bad, and then she will screw up everything for the Democrats and destroy their majority for the next 25 years. He assures me that this is a widespread sentiment, particularly among Southern and Midwestern members of the Democratic delegation who would rather see Speaker Hoyer or Speaker Anybody but Pelosi.

Heh. I got four words for Republicans on that -- Henry Waxman, Committee Chairman. Steny Hoyer should keep quiet don't you think?

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    Re: I Got A Bridge in Brooklyn For You . . . (none / 0) (#1)
    by Zeno on Wed Oct 04, 2006 at 09:36:03 PM EST
    Oh, yes. Pelosi was elected minority leader by the Democratic caucus because they needed a scapegoat for future failures. It couldn't have been because she's an effective politician who outmaneuvered her rivals for the position. Poor, poor Democrats, on the verge of having a majority under Speaker Pelosi.

    Re: I Got A Bridge in Brooklyn For You . . . (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Wed Oct 04, 2006 at 11:04:00 PM EST
    Where are all the Republicans half wishing they would loose? They don't do that because they at least know that win=win. Why is it always Democrats who have to come up with reasons why loosing is better? Why do they make any other conclusions than lose=lose? Wow, I wish I was in a party that was opposed by a party that secretly wished to lose. Get real!

    Re: I Got A Bridge in Brooklyn For You . . . (none / 0) (#3)
    by JohnLopresti on Thu Oct 05, 2006 at 01:05:39 AM EST
    Nancy has played it straight, and low key. Let's hope she has the chance. I think she could set a record even topping Tip's as leader in the lower chamber of congress. She is national quality.

    Re: I Got A Bridge in Brooklyn For You . . . (none / 0) (#4)
    by eric on Thu Oct 05, 2006 at 08:17:41 AM EST
    If you believe this story: Not so much.

    Re: I Got A Bridge in Brooklyn For You . . . (none / 0) (#5)
    by Dadler on Thu Oct 05, 2006 at 09:52:05 AM EST
    If this is true, Red State, then tell your congressperson friend to pull his drunken head out of his ace. The largest state in the Union, which leads on almost EVERY issue, matters, and should matter in Congressional leadership, which it almost never does. If all he can do is piss and moan about Pelosi, and wish for one of his friends to be Speaker, then he's an unimaginative sack of wet brownies who shouldn't be in Congress in the first place. Tell him to get an actual idea in that empty hangar of a head he's sporting. He sounds like the intellectual vaccuums that got us into Iraq. Tell him to grow the f up and get busy on the people's work, not his little cabal's work. What a numbskull.

    Re: I Got A Bridge in Brooklyn For You . . . (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Thu Oct 05, 2006 at 12:30:54 PM EST
    Steny Hoyer is a DINO whom Kos called dangerous - not only because he consistently pushes GOP talking points in interviews, but because he finds the Democrats like Dan Boren (D-OK) who consistently vote against the party and with the GOP, and rewards them with leadership positions. "Speaker Hoyer" is the best possible outcome for the GOP if they lose the House; no wonder they'd get someone to push for it against Pelosi.