
Why Dems Have Been Losing

(From Big Tent Democrat)

Steve Gilliard writes an interesting post that, in my view, is right in some things and wrong in others. One thing definitely wrong is this:

Ok, let's say that the Dems were ambushed in 2000 and got seriously sh*tty advice on how to fight the ballot issues. The Dems were listening to bullsh*t about continuity of government and trust in elections. So they shrunk from the fight. Stolen? Yeah, in the time honored tradition of intimidation and rules lawyering. If you look at who showed up in Florida, like John Bolton and other future White House staffers, the GOP brought their A game and Gore thought they were playing by the rules of the past. Ooops.

In a word, nonsense. Gore brought the best lawyer (in my opinion) in America, David Boies, to this gunfight, and but for a lawless U.S. Supreme Court, Gore wins.

Other things right and wrong in Gilliard's piece on the other side.

In this excerpt, Gilliard is mostly right, but incomplete:

What the Dems didn't do, while the GOP did, was target and reach their voters over and over, in a trusted setting. For argument's sake we'll call it a church. David Kuo explains in great detail how the White House could and would use government money to buy church votes. The media went on and on about values voters and scared the Dems away from their base. Don't pay too much attention to the blacks or the gays or the urban voters. It was Soccer, then Security moms and NASCAR dads. The Dems were being told repeatedly to compete for voters who had many reason not to vote Democratic......ever.

This is right but misses what I think is the underlying story of Dem failure - the inability or refusal to campaign negatively against Republican extremism. Yes, Dems were told to compete for "values voters" and that was idiotic advice but it is also idiotic not to use the opportunity to negatively brand the Republicans as extremist as a result of their courting of the extremist Dobsonite vote. I have written on this in the past.

Despite this, Gilliard posits:

The evangelicals were doers. They had their bible meetings, and their church socials and sunday dinners. These people were willing to actually do things. Getting someone who believes in evangelism to evangelize isn't all that hard. While the Chris Shays and Olympia Snowes of the GOP bemoaned their fate, the GOP was going hard and fast to mobilize new voters, voters with a mission.

So what did the Dems do? Nothing. They mocked the fundies, but they never figured out how to reach the ones who would listen and they existed.

When did the Dems mock fundies Steve? If only. They said me too. Steve is way offbase here.

Finally, Steve writes:

Dems are now just realizing that their pool is single women, they're just dealing with their issues in a concerted way.

Is that the entire pool? Gawd, I hope not and it is not. What Democrats need to do is reveal the Republican Party for what it is. And this is what Steve is missing in his analysis, what he is not seeing in what Rove has done. Paranoia and triblaism SHOULD cut both ways, and in this instance, SHOULD cut strongly in the Dems' favor. Stve is right to note the Dem failure in organization and focus. But the big picture was and is also missing - the need to negatively brand the Republicans.

Steve ignores this, as Democrats have, to their detriment.

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    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 02:25:33 PM EST
    Um, that would be the Boise of The SCO Group Inc. vs. IBM in which TSG (his client) attempted to steal Linux(tm)? Who is also losing a contracts case to his gardener representing himself pro se? Cranky

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (5.00 / 1) (#9)
    by Andreas on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 11:04:42 PM EST
    Gore brought the best lawyer (in my opinion) in America, David Boies,
    Nonsense. David Boies has become a mobster who is involved in the fraud and extortion campaign of Ralph Yarro and Darl Mc Bride against Linux users. See Groklaw for detailed information about The SCO Group Inc. vs. Linux.

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (none / 0) (#4)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 04:03:00 PM EST
    What Democrats need to do is reveal the Republican Party for what it is.
    Spot on. To do this, Democrats need to get a spine and stand up for what they believe in.

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (none / 0) (#2)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 04:14:57 PM EST
    I agree with you. The Democrats are playing with the wrong play book. The Democrats keep trying to take the high road. It has not worked. We watch while the Republicans repeat horrific attacks against the Democrats. Extreme liberal, out of the mainstream, cut and run, tax and spend. The memes catch on until the Democrats have been pressed into a corner and abandoning the liberal for progressive. I remembered the constant allegations that the Democrats were trying to use the war, Republican incompetence and corruption for partisan purposes. Yet I never heard the Democrats respond by accusing the Republicans of the same tactics. The President and Congress got a free pass. Our meme should have been: "Yes we are partisan to this extent - We believe that our policies will do more to make the United States secure and to accomplish U.S. foreign policy and domestic issues than the Bush/Republican policies. Why do you think that Bush and his cronies make these attacks. First, they do not have a good argument or factual basis to counter what we have been saying. Second, Bush wants to be reeclected and see his party maintain power. Bush and the Republicans are being partisan as well. In a two party system, this is to be expected. It is a battle of ideas and policies to strengthen this country. Bush wants a single voice. Now you decide whether he and his party deserve to maintain that power." This meme would have placed us on a level playing field. It also would have let us attack as the Republicans try to move away from Bush. We could say; "Remember how the Republicans said that Democrats were being partisan because we disagreed with their policies. Now look - the Republican candidates are running away from Bush. They have shown their partisan side - THEY WILL SAY AND DO ANYTHING TO BE REELCTED. THE DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN TRUE TO THEIR PRINCIPLES AND HAVE BEEN PROVEN CORRECT."

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (none / 0) (#3)
    by jarober on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 04:14:57 PM EST
    The problem wasn't with the Supreme Court ruling - it was with the Supreme Court taking the case at all. The election problem was a political issue, and - gosh, who knew - the Constitution provides a way to resolve that. If there's a dispute over the electoral college results (and w/o a court battle, the Florida results likely would have come from the FL legislature, and been disputed) - then the election goes to the House of Representatives. Given the makeup of the house and senate, that would have come to a Bush victory. However - that would have created a tailor made election issue for Democrats, who could have pointed to the Republican Congress as the culprit (attacks on the Supreme Court are usually a lot less resonant). Democrats outsmarted themselves by going to court. Had they let the system work the way it's intended to work, I suspect that 2002 and 2004 would have gone differently.

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (none / 0) (#5)
    by teacherken on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 04:23:27 PM EST
    I have to disagree with the statement that except for a lawless Supreme Court Gore wins. Once the Florida Supreme Court issued its first (unanimous) ruling on the partial recount, the Florida legislature started the process of designating a slate of electors for Bush. Constitutionally they had that right, and if they chose they could waive the safe harbor provision. Once that process started, Gore was never going to get the electoral votes from Florida. That is the meaning of the strange concurring opinion by Scalia that if they allowed the recount to continue it would undermine the legitimacy of Bush's victory. Scalia knew that the legislative action would override the results of any recount, and if the recount showed a difference, Bush would still be elected by the electoral college would have the legitimacy of his victory called into question. And then we would have the interesting possibility that under the 14th Amendment Florida would be stripped of its representation in the House for the next 4 years. Now that would be a constitutional crisis. The Supreme Court did not decide the election.

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (none / 0) (#6)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 06:45:46 PM EST
    It was more than a "lawless" Supreme Court. It was a treasonous Supreme Court.

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (none / 0) (#7)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 09:55:05 PM EST
    Other than on maybe military history and video games relating to same, I am not sure why any one thinks that gilliard has any special insight into much of anything

    Re: Why Dems Have Been Losing (none / 0) (#8)
    by Talkleft Visitor on Sun Oct 15, 2006 at 10:32:01 PM EST
    We have to be blunt and ruthless. I finally see it happening, Dem candidates calling the GOP out on their garbage withg sometimes sarcastic, hard hitting messages. We have to know who we are dealing with and attack them as hard as we can. And that means Oppo Research. Because now they will throw anything they can find, and we can now see where "civilized discourse" has gotten us. I tried to have this conversation with Nick Lampson, who doesn't buy it, but fortunately he has no real opponent and will win anyway.