
Kerry's Staff Throws Away Two Years of Work

Brilliant, not:

Kerry's spokesman, David Wade, sounds similarly entitled:

Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, came under fire last week when it was pointed out that he had contributed only $15,000 this year to the party’s senatorial committee. Heyjohn.org, whose creator has remained anonymous, highlights the fact that Mr. Kerry has $14 million in his campaign accounts.[...]

“Cowards can hide behind anonymous Web sites,” Mr. Wade said, “but Democrats out in the country, party leaders and real net-roots activists know how hard John Kerry has fought to win these elections.”

So Kerry works hard to make inroads with the Netroots and David Wade decides to piss it all away. Nice job David.

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  • Cowards Anonymous (none / 0) (#1)
    by richards on Tue Oct 24, 2006 at 04:03:59 PM EST
    I unsubscribed from Kerry's newsletter this morning when I heard about this and joined Cowards Anonymous. An admittedly small action on my part, but I was responding to small words.