
Another Stun Gun Victim -- Teenage Jesus Follower

He was yelling "I want Jesus" and carrying a bible. The cops tasered him. He died at the hospital.

Will the cops say they thought the bible was a gun?

In a report released in March, international human rights group Amnesty International said it had logged at least 156 deaths across the country in the previous five years related to police stun guns.

The rise in deaths accompanies a marked increase in the number of U.S. law enforcement agencies employing devices made by Taser International Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz. ....Police had used Tasers more than 70,000 times as of last year, Congress' Government Accountability Office said.

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    More of the Same (1.00 / 0) (#7)
    by Patrick on Tue Oct 31, 2006 at 02:19:47 PM EST
    Death at the hands of police needs to be investigated and prosecuted by folks who don't work with the police.

    Find me one?  Not that I disagree that all in-custody deaths should be investigated, I'd just like to see a competent investigative unit that doesn't work with the police.  I know, the ACLU, or how about AI...Or perhaps move-on has something...  Can you still use LOL on-line?  

    I know that everyone would like cops to be omnipotent or at least clairvoyant.  Hell, I'd like to have that ability, but it isn't r